Chapter 427

"Huo Tianyi, I don't want to talk to you right now, you are simply unreasonable."

"You don't want to talk to me? Do you want to talk to Fu Mingzhe?" Huo Tianyi asked through gritted teeth.

Seeing the danger in Huo Tianyi's eyes, Xia Nuanxin anxiously explained: "Let me reiterate to you, Fu Mingzhe and I have nothing to do with each other anymore, you don't need to threaten me with him anymore."

She hadn't heard from him for so long, and she had long given up hope.

Besides, she has let this pervert get her body dirty, and she herself feels so dirty.

"Since there is no relationship, then I can deal with him casually. Right? Xin'er."

Huo Tianyi looked carefully into Xia Nuanxin's eyes.

There was a twinkle in Xia Nuanxin's eyes, and she said angrily: "Huo Tianyi, I know you are clever, but why can't you leave others a way out? Fu Mingzhe has nothing to do with me at all, why don't you believe it? My every move is under your surveillance, you are not blind, why are you talking nonsense with your eyes open!"

"Xia Nuanxin, as long as you listen to me carefully, I will not restrict your freedom, I will make you the happiest woman in the whole city B, but if you dare to do tricks behind my back, I will kill you first Your most beloved person, and then slowly torture you."


After Xia Nuanxin finished speaking, she picked up her bag and went to the garage, and drove the blue Ferrari out.

"Paranoid, stallion." Xia Nuanxin kept cursing Huo Tianyi.

Huo Tianyi in the room saw that Xia Nuanxin's car had already driven out, and then called Mu Haitian.

"Keep an eye on my wife's car. I'm going to have a video conference at home today, so I don't have time to take care of her."

Mu Haitian, who had just arrived at the gate, drove directly behind Xia Nuanxin to Huanshan Villa.

Xia Nuanxin, Xia Xiaoxiao, and Gu Fei'er gathered directly at the entrance of Huanshan Villa. They met each other, and then the car turned around and went directly to the path leading directly to the top of the mountain.

After the car was parked, a group of several people began to march towards the top of the mountain.

"Xiao Xiao, that guy just now looks like the actor Qin on TV!"

Xia Nuanxin also returned to her innocent look like a little star chasing girl.

Gu Fei'er smiled mysteriously: "He was originally."

"Really? Xiaoxiao, your dream has come true!" Xia Nuanxin suddenly remembered that she had noticed Xia Xiaoxiao's performance at Li Yihuan's birthday party.

It seems that Xia Xiaoxiao is Qin Mutian's fan girl.

"Well, don't talk about the two of you, I'm embarrassed." Xia Xiaoxiao said a little embarrassedly.

The conversations of the little women spread to the ears of the two men behind.

"God, what are your plans?"

"Calm down Pei Muran's emotions first. After she recovers, I will find a chance to send her abroad and let her rest. After all, her reputation has been ruined now." Qin Mutian looked up and communicated with Gu Feier and Xia Nuanxin The joyful little girl said slowly: "Since we are together, I will be responsible to her. I don't want to wrong Xiaoxiao."

Outside Huanshan Villa:

Mu Haitian called Huo Tianyi: "Second Young Master, my wife is at the Huanshan Villa."

Huo Tianyi said sternly, "Say it again."

Mu Haitian said tremblingly: "My wife and the two girls went to the top of Huanshan Villa talking and laughing."

"Did you see him?"

"Young Master and Qin Mutian seem to be following behind." Mu Haitian said cautiously.

Huo Tianyi, who was in a meeting, cut off the video call without even saying hello.

PS: A new week has begun, please continue to support Manman!Comments, ratings, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and tips are all floating over!
Er Shao wants to express his heart to Nuan Xin, look forward to tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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