I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 441 I want to be a father

Chapter 441 I want to be a father

"Ai Ai, I'll give you whatever you want, whether you want to play the leading role or the second female lead, I'll give it to you, I can give you the whole of Huachen, as long as you live." An Zichuan cried while dragging her with.

At this moment he was really scared, he was afraid of losing his beloved woman!
Although she cares about her scheming, so what, everything she wants is given to her.

She is his own woman, so it doesn't matter what he has for her. Without her, he dare not imagine his future life.

Attached to An Zichuan's neck, Zhu Aiai vaguely heard An Zichuan's calling, as if in a dream.

"Zi Chuan, why did I still meet you when I went to the underworld? Is it because God has favored me too much?"

The searchlights of the search and rescue team came over and pulled the two of them ashore. An Zichuan had been holding Zhu Aai's wet body and got into the ambulance.

Gu Fei'er, Xia Xiaoxiao and the others went to the hospital worriedly. Because of Fu Han's relationship, they immediately found the best doctor for emergency treatment.

"Tell me, why does she keep having a high fever and is still in a coma?" An Zichuan grabbed the doctor's collar excitedly and asked angrily.

Fu Han came over and comforted him: "Zi Chuan, don't get excited. Wait for the test results in 10 minutes before prescribing the right medicine. Don't worry now."

"This is my woman, of course I am anxious."

Gu Fei'er who was behind also heard this sentence and almost walked over to slap him a few times.

"If I knew this earlier, why didn't I treat Ai Ai better earlier." Gu Fei'er said angrily. ,
After hearing Gu Fei'er's words, An Zichuan gave her a hard look, and Huo Sixuan turned around and hugged her.

"Gu Feier is my wife."

The energy of protecting the calf came up.

"Take care of your woman, don't get involved in my affairs with Ai Ai."

"My wife is kind too."

Xia Xiaoxiao also blamed An Zichuan, "I don't know good people."

Qin Mutian pinched Xia Xiaoxiao's face with his big hand, and gave her a note of "He already knew he was wrong, so don't be greedy about other people's affairs." ' look.

Su Ruihao and Ji Mingyi chatted leisurely: "Ruirui, I want to wait a few more years to get married, women are too troublesome."

"I also find it very troublesome, especially when I can't put my true feelings into women, tsk tsk! It's really scary."

"It's because you didn't meet, and if you did, it would be even crazier." Fu Han said mischievously, and then smiled strangely: "I recently came to a nurse who is particularly pleasing to the eye, and I have been paying attention to her for a long time. , I have never dared to get too close, I am also afraid of true love!"

"Haha! Young Master Fu, you don't want to rule your subordinates unspokenly, do you!" Su Ruihao teased.

"That's right! Young Master Fu, you are close to the water!" Ji Mingyi also made fun of Fu Han.

Ten minutes later, the doctor took the test sheet and asked, "Who are the family members of the patient?"

An Zichuan walked up to the doctor and said firmly, "I am, what's the matter, is my woman alright?"

"Your wife is nearly ten weeks pregnant, and the reason for her high fever is that a small amount of fluid has entered her lungs. She needs an infusion to treat the inflammation. There is nothing serious, and she will wake up soon."

"Pregnant? Ai Ai is pregnant, ha! She is going to be a mother, that's great." Gu Fei'er said excitedly.

"I'm going to be a father."

An Zichuan looked at Zhu Aaiai's test report in disbelief, happiness came so suddenly, he didn't know what to say.

The fool didn't even know it himself.

No wonder the idiot seemed to have no appetite for a while.

It has always been said that it seems that I have a stomach problem, and it turns out that I am pregnant.

(End of this chapter)

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