I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 450 Has revealed his identity

Chapter 450 Has revealed his identity

"Is there anything else? Little niece."

"Uncle Fu, do you know what happened to Ai Ai?"

Fu Han sighed and said: "One sentence describes the two people, love each other and kill each other."

"Obviously they love each other deeply, but they have to be tortured. I'm so scared that I don't dare to find a girlfriend." Fu Han laughed.

"How is Ai Ai's health?" Gu Fei'er asked with concern.

"Her body is fine. An Zichuan carefully took her home to raise her baby, but it seems that your good friend hasn't forgiven An Zichuan yet!" Fu Han thought of the awkward two, and slowly Slowly said to Gu Feier.

In the past, Zhu Aiai was always chasing An Zichuan, but now it's a big reversal, An Zichuan can't wait to treat him wholeheartedly, but the little girl doesn't appreciate it!
"It deserves it. He didn't cherish Ai Ai's kindness to him in the past, but now he feels that he was wrong. Hmph! Let Ai Ai control his bad temper." Gu Fei'er said angrily.

"Little Fei'er, don't get excited." Huo Sixuan gently applied the medicine to Gu Fei'er.

"Little uncle, this medicine is very itchy, I want to scratch it."

"Little niece, don't scratch it. This is a special medicine, and your minor injury will heal soon." Fu Han explained.

After Fu Han left, Gu Fei'er realized that she had exposed her identity.

"Little uncle, I have already exposed my identity." Gu Fei'er said distressedly.

"Well, it's not my fault." Huo Sixuan hugged the little girl and whispered: "Little Fei'er, you won't ask me to change your company again!"

"No need, let's leave it at that. Hey!" Gu Fei'er sighed and said, "How can it be so difficult to learn something by yourself?"

After work in the morning, just as he was about to leave, Zhang He walked in.

Glancing at Gu Fei'er, he said cautiously: "Boss, Mu Haitian, the second young master's special assistant, has been to Meng's today."

"Um, any more?"

"I think Er Shao's entry into the field of food processing is a certainty. This has always been an industry that Huo's has never been involved in."

"I see, keep an eye on him."

Gu Fei'er couldn't understand the specific meaning of what the two said, but she still understood it in general.

"Little uncle, who is the second young master?"

Huo Sixuan stroked the top of Gu Fei'er's hair, and said dotingly: "Little Fei'er, just do your job well, and don't think too much about the rest."

"Understood, little uncle." Gu Fei'er said with some frustration.

The little uncle still regards himself as a child.

After Huo Sixuan went down, he went back to the headquarters of Group H, while Gu Feier continued to stay in the office of the branch company to check the materials.

A new department manager was quickly brought in.

The people in the office had already heard about Gu Feier's relationship, and most of them were in awe of her, which made Gu Feier very uncomfortable.

Gu Fei'er was in a bad mood. After work, instead of going home directly, she took out her phone and called Xia Nuanxin: "Sister Nuanxin, are you busy?"

Xia Nuanxin, who had already returned home from get off work, glanced at the man who had been hugging her, and said in a low voice, "Fei'er, what's the matter?"

"My little uncle is the president of the company. Now all the people in my intern company know about it. They all respect me, which makes me feel very uncomfortable. Sister Nuanxin, if you encounter such a thing, how should you deal with it?" ?" Gu Feier humbly asked Xia Nuanxin for advice.

After all, Sister Nuanxin went to work earlier than her, and knew more about the workplace than she did.

Xia Nuanxin thought for a while and said: "Go your own way and let others talk about it! You just need to do your job well. The leader of the company is your relative and this cannot be changed. You can only do it." Just be yourself.”

(End of this chapter)

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