I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 457 Going Through the Husband’s Back Door

Chapter 457 Going Through the Husband’s Back Door

Gu Fei'er and or the two of them in the private message also had a pleasant conversation. It was already late when they got home, and Gu Fei'er was lazy and didn't want to take a bath.

Huo Sixuan shook his head, went to take a shower with the little girl in his arms, and returned to the big bed.

Huo Sixuan hugged the little girl into his arms, and gently stroked her long hair with his big hand, "Little Fei'er, you will be joining the crew after summer vacation, I suddenly feel very reluctant."

"Really? Me too, little uncle. I really want to stick with you every day, what should I do?"

"Then don't come in, don't act, just come and be my personal secretary. You can see me every day, and occasionally we can do some romantic things in the office."

"Little uncle, you rascal." After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to pinch Huo Sixuan's handsome face vigorously with his little hand, "little uncle, if you dangle in front of you every day, you will definitely get tired of me soon, people say There should be a sense of distance between husband and wife.”

"I will never get bored with little Fei'er, and I will never feel enough being together every day." Huo Sixuan kissed the little girl's little cheek.

Gu Fei'er blushed a little, and then changed the subject: "Little uncle, you HX invited Xia Chenman to film "Rebirth of the 70s". Can I go through the back door and get in touch with Mr. Xia?"

"Okay, thank you, little Fei'er, for walking through my husband's back door."

"I want to play a small guest role, and then learn Teacher Xia's acting skills, and appreciate Teacher Xia's beauty from a closer distance."

"Everything depends on Xiao Fei'er."

"Thank you little uncle."

Huo Sixuan raised his eyebrows and approached Gu Fei'er with a handsome face and asked, "How can you thank me?"

"Well, I won't tell you." Gu Fei'er said in a low voice.

After speaking, the little hand covered his face shyly.

The little uncle is too ignorant of reserve.

Where is the image of a male god?
"Little Fei'er, you are really generous." After speaking, she turned around and hugged the little girl tightly, her mouth covered the little girl's delicate red lips, lingering and inseparable.

A few hours later, the little girl seemed to be really energetic, and asked with some expectation: "Little uncle, you and I are also considered a loving couple. Why do you think I am not pregnant yet?"

"Are you in a hurry? It seems that the child is not destined to be with us. Do you think your husband is not loving enough for you?"

"Little uncle told you to be serious!" Gu Fei'er acted coquettishly.

Huo Sixuan kissed the little girl's pretty little nose, "Little Fei'er, although we are very affectionate, but we have been together for less than three months, little thing, how much faster do you want."

Hearing the little girl's dejected tone, Huo Sixuan's heart warmed slightly. The little girl was still so young, and he was looking forward to giving birth to him. He still had a lot of heart to bear!

"No, I want to give birth to the child before I graduate, and then I don't have to think about having a child after graduation. I can be my actor with peace of mind and get rid of it early."

"Little thing, your career plan is pretty good! But children are dependent on sight. Having children is not your routine task, so don't be under pressure. If you don't want to have children, I won't force Xiao Fei'er to do it." willing to do."

Huo Sixuan heard Gu Feier say so reluctantly, the good mood just now suddenly disappeared.

It turned out that the little girl was not willing to have a child, but felt that the task of husband and wife would be completed after giving birth.

Doesn't the little girl like the child born by the two?

He is actually looking forward to it!
(End of this chapter)

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