Chapter 461: Too much luck!

Huo Simo next to her suppressed a smile, looking at her brother's constipated face.

"Gu Fei'er, talking all the time while eating is not good for your stomach, don't you know you can't eat without talking?" Huo Sixuan stretched out his hand and tapped Gu Fei'er's forehead vigorously.

Lin Zhihan, who was about to walk to the door, always felt that Gu Feier, the little uncle, was weird, as if he was hostile to him.

He couldn't tell what was going on.

Seeing Lin Zhihan and Sun Qiuyu walking out, Huo Simo finally couldn't hold back anymore and burst out laughing.

"Haha! I laughed so hard, sister-in-law, was that man just now the monitor of your class?"

Gu Feier nodded, but did not answer.

"I think he's interested in you, don't you believe it? Sister-in-law, your luck is too good!" Huo Simo said ambiguously, and after finishing speaking, she still didn't forget to raise her head to look at his brother, who was so dark. handsome face.

"Xiao Mo, don't talk nonsense, Squad Leader Lin and I are just friends." Gu Fei'er muttered softly.

"There is no pure friendship between men and women." Huo Sixuan said coldly.

Gu Feier: '...'

Uncle, are you really jealous?
"Little sister-in-law, don't worry about my brother. He doesn't pay attention to improving his charm, and only knows how to be jealous when he meets a rival in love. This is a sign of a man's incompetence." Huo Simo said without fear of death.

"Huo Si Mo."

"Yes, brother, you are my own brother."

"I'm going to withdraw all the shares of Huirenxuan this year, so you can find a way to fill this hole!" Huo Sixuan said coldly.

After speaking, he got up and pulled Gu Feier out the door. Huo Simo behind him said affectionately: "Brother, go slowly, don't see you off, welcome to visit next time."

Huo Sixuan walked out a little angrily, Gu Fei'er doggedly followed, put her little hand on the man's arm, and said flatteringly: "Even if my little uncle sits in the public area to eat, he still looks like a tall and handsome big man." President, you have a good temperament, there is nothing you can do."

After finishing speaking, I still did not forget to demean myself: "Look at me, although the clothes I bought with my little uncle's money are not big brands, they are also high-end goods bought in big shopping malls, but when I wear them, I still look like street stalls. People can’t compare their feelings, on the contrary, the clothes that the little uncle bought at the street stalls can still taste like models.”

Huo Sixuan didn't speak, Gu Feier followed listlessly and got into the car.

The little uncle was really angry, and he blamed that Lin Zhihan, it's okay, why did he touch her hand.

How to do?
Does she need to wash herself up and send her to the little uncle's bed?
People say that the man on the bed is the best at talking.

After getting into the car, before Gu Feier started the car, Gu Feier suddenly leaned over, hugged Huo Sixuan's neck, and asked, "Little uncle, are you angry?"


If you are angry with a little girl, you can only be angry with yourself.

"Since you're not angry, show me a smile." Gu Fei'er hugged Huo Sixuan's neck to prevent him from driving.

"Little Fei'er, don't make trouble."

"Little uncle, our monitor and I are really innocent, I swear, okay?"

"I know."

I know why you still don't laugh!Why is the air pressure still so low.

"Little uncle, if you don't want me to talk to him, then I won't attend the party organized by them, okay?" Gu Fei'er tried her best to please Huo Sixuan.

Huo Sixuan gently kissed Gu Feier's chattering little mouth and said, "No need, Xiao Feier just needs to remember that she is a married man."

"I know [-]%." ​​Gu Fei'er raised her hand as a guarantee.

(End of this chapter)

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