I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 465 Stupid woman, you only bully me

Chapter 465 Stupid woman, you only bully me
"Let's talk nonsense, I'm sleepy, so hurry up if you want to ask."

This stinky woman, I've never seen her talk to me so well, and every time I say something thorny.

"Do you know that girl named Gu Fei'er?"

Xia Nuanxin paused for a moment, and said in a strange way: "No wonder people tell you to strike up a guy. Since you've had enough with me and want to change your target, then just find a suitable time. Let's divorce the marriage!" Swearingly, he said: "Stop calling Gu Fei'er's attention, he has someone he likes."

"Xia Nuanxin, you stinky woman is simply unreasonable." Before Xia Nuanxin finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Seeing Huo Tianyi's panic-stricken look, Mu Haitian hurriedly asked, "Second Young Master, are you alright?"

"That smelly woman is going to die of anger." Huo Tianyi got up and walked out, and Mu Haitian followed.

"Second Young Master, what should Eldest Young Master do?"

"Keep an eye on him, I'll get rid of that uninterested woman first when I go home, so as to relieve my hatred." After speaking, he strode away from the fan without stopping.

'divorce? '

This woman even wanted to divorce herself.

It was twelve o'clock at midnight when I got home, and the servants at home had already gone to bed.

There was only one very dim orange-yellow warm lamp left in the living room, and the air conditioner in the living room was a bit cool.

Xia Nuanxin curled up on the sofa, the thin quilt covering her body fell to the ground.

Frowning tightly, there seemed to be tears in the corners of his eyes, all of Huo Tianyi's anger was suddenly extinguished so silently and without reservation.

"Stupid woman, you only bully me."

Huo Tianyi picked up Xia Nuanxin and went directly to the bedroom on the second floor.

Xia Nuanxin fell into a drowsy sleep, suddenly felt that she was vacated, and suddenly burst into tears.

Cursing and cursing: "Huo Tianyi, you playboy, you stallion, you don't have to be ashamed, you change women every day, and you are not afraid of getting sick."

Huo Tianyi: "..."

This woman dared to scold him, she was still cursing him in her sleep.

It seems that since he married this stinky woman, he hasn't had another woman!
"Xin'er, I'm back." Huo Tianyi looked at the frowning woman, as if he was still having a nightmare.

"Woooo... Huo Tianyi, if you don't like me anymore, we'll divorce. I don't want to sleep with you with other women. Huo..."

Stinky woman!Are you sure this is in a dream, you didn't mean to tell me?
Today he inquired about Gu Fei'er, the little girl is sad, jealous? All of a sudden, she became excited.

With this kind of cognition suddenly, Huo Tianyi's mood

Huo Tianyi hugged Xia Nuanxin to his body, and whispered, "Xin'er, I'm back."

Xia Nuanxin opened her sleepy eyes, and said in a daze, "Huo Tianyi, you didn't spend the night outside." His tone was sour.

"Xia Nuanxin, you heartless woman, how could I spend the night outside if you didn't follow me."

Xia Nuanxin woke up suddenly, and saw that Huo Tianyi was still wearing the blue checked shirt she gave him before leaving.

Xia Nuanxin lay on his body and smelled his unique masculine scent, without any perfume smell.

Suddenly asked sullenly: "Did you secretly take a shower outside?"

Huo Tianyi tapped Xia Nuanxin's forehead vigorously, his evil and charming face came into Xia Nuanxin's breath, and said ambiguously: "I don't have the habit of wearing dirty clothes after taking a shower."

"You didn't panic?" Xia Nuanxin asked with some frustration.

"Smelly woman, don't you believe me? Why should I explain to you?" Huo Tianyi began to take off his clothes while talking.

Xia Nuanxin swallowed her saliva in fright and asked, "What do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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