Chapter 468

Fan Xinzhe started Gu Fei'er's joke without fear of death.

Huo Sixuan called out coldly: "Fan Xinzhe, do you really want it to stop functioning?"

Hearing Huo Sixuan's threat, Fan Xinzhe silenced his voice and calmed down Gu Fei'er seriously.

After more than an hour, the work was completed, and I did not forget to praise myself after it was melted.

"Tsk tsk! This skill is only possessed by me, Fan Singer. It's simply a master's skill."

Gu Fei'er opened her eyes and took a look at herself in the mirror, she really looked good, she was simply stupefied.

No wonder this Fan Xinzhe boasted that he was really unbelievably beautiful.

Huo Sixuan also looked at Gu Fei'er in surprise, "My little Fei'er is so beautiful."

"The main reason is that my little niece has a good skin. Otherwise, no matter how amazing I am, I'm still a clever woman who can't cook without rice!" Then he remembered something and said, "Xuan, the second young master also brought a woman here to put on makeup just now. That woman's The skin is also very good, hey! Tell me how lucky I am to meet two supple faces in a row, which is the greatest benefit for a makeup artist."

"Huo Tianyi? He also brought a woman with him?"

"Yes, the beauty of my little niece is not the same. How should I put it, it is the kind of beauty that is not beautiful at first glance, but the more beautiful it is, the more beautiful it is."

"Hey! Do you think this Huo Tianyi has also changed his gender now? He loves that woman so much that he can't wait to stick it on the face of a beautiful woman. She's so affectionate! I don't want to be abused, but she's so This beautiful woman seems to be ignoring him." Fan Xinzhe said to himself.

Huo Sixuan's face flashed across Xia Nuanxin's mind.

It should be this woman who is good friends with his little Fei'er.

Could it be that they are also secretly married?

He remembered that when he went to Huanshan Villa for a seafood dinner, the woman said that her husband was picking her up below.

After getting into the car, Huo Sixuan asked, "Little Fei'er, is your good friend Xia Nuanxin married?"

Gu Fei'er didn't know why Huo Sixuan suddenly asked about Xia Nuanxin, but she nodded and said, "Well, I'm married."

"Have you met her husband?"

Gu Fei'er shook her head and said: "No, but last time she told me that she is a rich old man who only has breath in but not breath out. She said that when he dies, he will inherit his money, but I feel heartwarming." My sister was just kidding me, she is not that kind of vain girl."

Huo Sixuan sighed and asked suddenly: "Well, little Fei'er, if one day you find out that your husband and your good friend's husband are business enemies, what should you do?"

How about a coincidence?
"Little uncle, I'm laughing again. How could it be such a coincidence."


Gu Fei'er: "..."

But Gu Feier thought about it and said: "Little uncle, sister Nuanxin is a very good person. She helped me a lot in college. I won't give up our friendship because of the relationship between you and his husband. If that's the case, I will make an agreement with Sister Nuanxin that we will not participate in your business matters."

"As long as it is a business competition, there will be losers. I am afraid that you will not be able to maintain the relationship between you, after all, they are husband and wife."

"I don't think so, little uncle, you really think too much, we won't give up because of interests." Gu Fei'er said firmly.

The two arrived at Shengtian Hotel, showed their invitation letter, and walked in arm in arm.Several people have already arrived in the hall, most of them are the presidents and heirs of well-known enterprises in City B.

(End of this chapter)

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