I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 474 This Pervert Is Her Husband

Chapter 474 This Pervert Is Her Husband
"Well, I will definitely find a way to help you investigate the specific situation of that little girl, so as not to let my Xiaoman get lovesick, but Xiaoman has let go of her second child now, should you give your daughter a little brother? gone?"

"Xiaotian, you're still making fun of me at such an advanced age, I hate it."

"Xiao Man, I am sincere."

Although the two have reached their forties, this is the first time they are talking about having a child, so they are very concerned.

"Xiaotian, you said that if I gave birth to another daughter for you, would you treat my daughter differently?" Xia Chenman asked half-jokingly while lying in Wu Xiaotian's arms.

After all, he is a stepfather and has no blood relationship.

"What kind of person am I, you still don't know?" After speaking, he expressed his position to Xia Chenman: "If Xiaoman doesn't believe me, after you recognize my daughter, I will transfer all my property to the name of our eldest daughter. Come on, don’t leave it to me and Xiao Man’s children, so it’s okay!”

"Then our youngest daughter has been wronged, she's not like my own, I'd better try to give birth to a son for our Director Wu."

"That's fine, then I will spoil my elder daughter and the child's mother with my son."

Xia Chenman actually felt that he was also very lucky, the only thing he felt sorry for was his elder brother who had raised him for 22 years.

Fortunately, after she left, she found out through many inquiries that he married Zhou Hailan, her cousin from her aunt's family. She was very happy, and her daughter was also full of fatherly love.

So for so many years, she has been very relieved, and she will deposit a certain amount of living expenses for her daughter in the bank card for him every year.

Without him raising her daughter for herself, she doesn't know if she would be where she is now.

However, after the child was six years old, there was no news about the child and him for some reason, and many inquiries failed.

However, she still deposits money into his account every year, and the money will be transferred out regularly.

Knowing that he was happy with his daughter, she no longer disturbed their peaceful life.

"Xiaotian, the person I feel sorry for the most in my life is my elder brother. My adoptive mother and her family are really kind. I am really relieved that my daughter let him take care of me."

Xia Chenman sighed and said: "If the matter of my illegitimate daughter was exposed back then, I wouldn't be able to get to where I am today. I haven't heard from them for many years, and I don't know how my brother is doing now?"

"I'll help you find out about that little girl as soon as possible, can't you follow this route and find them?"

Xia Chenman said happily: "If my brother is found, I must repay them well. I am actually not afraid of exposing any illegitimate daughter now, because I have you. At worst, we will say that we have actually been secretly married for many years."

"Even if you know how to find your husband to rely on."

"Understood, my Director Wu."

The reception here is still going on, Gu Han is being dragged by Sun Mei and Gu Tiansheng to chat everywhere, but he can't help but look back at Gu Fei'er.

Gu Feier and Xia Nuanxin happily ate different kinds of fruits and cakes.

"Sister Nuanxin, why are you staying with that guy who struck up a conversation?"

Xia Nuanxin was slightly taken aback, and said that this pervert left a bad impression on the world.

"He's my boss." Xia Nuanxin said unnaturally.

Gu Fei'er raised her eyebrows and said, "Aren't you afraid that my brother-in-law will be jealous? You see, this guy who strikes up a conversation is rich and good-looking. Judging from his appearance, he is definitely tall, rich and handsome."

Xia Nuanxin kept slandering Huo Tianyi in her heart: "This perverted stallion provokes people everywhere, making her unable to hold her head up in front of her friends." '


This pervert is her husband, so what kind of vinegar can I eat?
(End of this chapter)

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