I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 478 You Can't Be Gentle

Chapter 478 You Can't Be Gentle

Huo Tianyi covered his nose, and sat on the dining table, away from the mutton soup that was brought out.

Xia Nuanxin went to a bathroom, walked out, saw a large bowl of mutton soup with coriander on the dining table, and licked her mouth.

I'm thirsty!
"Aunt Wang, do you have chili oil at home?" Xia Nuanxin asked happily.He muttered in his mouth: "Such delicious mutton soup, with a little chili oil, is simply delicious in the world."

Aunt Wang faltered, looked at Huo Tianyi who was sitting upright and still clutching his nose, and didn't dare to say more.

Undoubtedly, the young master loves the little lady, but the young master does not eat food with strong smell.

What a difficult master.

"Aunt Wang, hurry up and get me some! Aunt Wang." Xia Nuanxin hugged Aunt Wang and acted coquettishly at the end. "Aunt Wang, the mutton soup won't taste good without chili, so I'll just eat a little bit, okay?"

From the moment she entered this house, Aunt Wang served her and treated her very well, so Xia Nuanxin never regarded her as a servant, sometimes as a mother.

"Hurry up and get it." Huo Tianyi looked at the little woman who kept acting coquettish and cute.

Such Xia Nuanxin is rare.

Aunt Wang happily flashed into the kitchen to get chili oil, and shouted: "Okay! Lamb soup with chili is delicious in the world."

As soon as the chili oil was brought in, Huo Tianyi said, "Aunt Wang, last time I told you to stop buying chili. Why didn't you listen to me?"

Aunt Wang hesitated and said in a low voice: "I was thinking, my lady loves to eat, if I quit all of a sudden, will I not be able to eat..."

"But I don't want to eat it." Huo Tianyi said gloomily.

"I'm sorry, young master, I won't dare next time." Aunt Wang hurriedly apologized to Huo Tianyi, then picked up a small spoon and added a little to Xia Nuanxin.

"Aunt Wang, I want more." Xia Nuanxin pouted and said unwillingly.

Aunt Wang explained seriously: "Little madam, eating a small amount is good for your health, but if you eat too much, you will get acne on your face. Look at your little face, it is white and tender. If you have pimples, you can kiss the young master." It will look uncomfortable, right!"

In this way, the young master should not be angry!
After hearing Aunt Wang's words, Xia Nuanxin's face suddenly became angry.Little blushed.

"Aunt Wang!" The little foot stomped on the ground vigorously.

Disrespect for the old.

After hearing Aunt Wang's words, Huo Tianyi glanced at the constipated little woman opposite, and felt much better.

However, he still put on a straight face and said, "Aunt Wang, if you change the boss's order without permission and buy ingredients prohibited by the boss, ten percent of the bonus will be deducted this year!"

"Okay!" Aunt Wang said listlessly.

Xia Nuanxin watched Aunt Wang being punished for herself, Xia Nuanxin suddenly took a spoonful of mutton soup and handed it to Huo Tianyi's mouth and said, "Try it."

Huo Tianyi looked at the small spoon Xia Nuanxin handed over with disgust, but it was hard to refuse, this stinky woman was rarely in such a good mood to feed herself, and the two still used the same spoon.

Xia Nuanxin looked at someone's tightly closed mouth and said, "It doesn't have a smell, it's delicious."

Huo Tianyi opened his mouth slightly, and Xia Nuanxin poured the mutton soup into Huo Tianyi's mouth with all his strength, without any tenderness.

"Smelly woman, you won't be gentle."

Xia Nuanxin ignored his roar and said, "Is it delicious?"

"is acceptable."

Sure enough, it smelled very strong, but it tasted pretty good.

(End of this chapter)

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