I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 484 Is always a man with a handle

Chapter 484 Is always a man with a handle

After Gu Fei'er had eaten, she was about to get up and throw away her trash can when Gu Han stood up first.

"I'll help you, little one."

Whoops!This Xiaoxiao has been called, and he is still acquainted.

Gu Feier refused feebly, and said, "Thank you, no need, I will do it myself."

"I'll help you, how can you, a girl, use such foul language?" After finishing speaking, she took out the disposable food box in Gu Feier's hand and walked out regardless of whether Gu Feier was willing or not.

Gu Fei'er supported her forehead, this person is too enthusiastic!

I can't bear it.

After Gu Han helped Gu Fei'er throw away the food box, as soon as he entered the door, he heard Li Yan, the newly appointed department manager in the office, shout: "Gu Fei'er, please check the data of this exported product with the original file again." Then he was polite. He put the original file in his hand on the table in front of Gu Fei'er's desk.

Gu Han who just walked into the office heard the name Gu Fei'er from the manager's mouth.

Gu Han walked over in disbelief and asked, "Your name is Gu Fei'er, but why did you lie to me?"

Gu Fei'er couldn't bear to look directly at the wronged eyes.

Gu Fei'er explained weakly: "I didn't hide it, I just didn't bother to explain it."

"It's still the same. It caused me to call you by other girls' names for so long."

Gu Fei'er smiled awkwardly: "It's not too late for you to know now!"

Gu Han smiled heartlessly and said, "Well, it's not too late to know now, haha! Your name sounds really nice."

"Of course, my father said Taoli Fangfei at the time, so he called me Fei'er."

"Fei'er, little Fei'er, a very meaningful name."

Gu Fei'er heard Gu Han repeating her name, and said, "You can call me Gu Fei'er, you can't call me Xiao Fei'er." That was only the privilege of the little uncle.

The name Xiao Fei'er was pronounced from the little uncle's mouth with a charming and lingering taste, which was very pleasant to hear.

Gu Fei'er picked up the information on her seat and stopped talking to Gu Han, and sat next to the computer to carefully check every number and decimal point.

Because Gu Han had just been transferred back to the office, he also had the same job as Gu Feier, but he was not yet familiar with the business, so the manager arranged for him to learn the process with Gu Feier first.

When Gu Han saw Gu Fei'er sitting next to the computer and working seriously, he found it very charming.

As soon as he and Gu Feier were asked to study, he moved his chair against Gu Feier and looked at her little face seriously.


"Don't get so close to me in summer, okay?" The approach of the opposite sex made Gu Fei'er very uncomfortable.

Although this Gu Han looks like a little brother, he doesn't look like a man in her mind, but he is a man with handles after all, right?

"Oh, I see." Gu Han moved the office chair back a little, but it was still very close.

Gu Fei'er turned her head and glared at him, "Student Gu, your presence by my side has seriously affected my work efficiency."

"But the manager asked me to study with you, I can't help it!"

Gu Fei'er was also drunk, what a ridiculous reason.

"This job is actually very simple. You only need to take a look or two to understand it. How about you check it out and I'll stand behind you and guide you. Is that okay?"

She just needs to stand far away from him, the opposite sex is too close, it is really uncomfortable, only the little uncle's touch is not annoying.

"Okay, I'll try."

The two switched positions, Gu Han was very sensitive to data and got used to it quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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