I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 488 Being able to get close to the goddess

Chapter 488 Being able to get close to the goddess
Gu Fei'er looked up and saw that Huo Sixuan was slightly angry, and walked up to Huo Sixuan resentfully, and said in a low voice: "Little uncle, I interrupted your work! I'm sorry."

Like an angry little daughter-in-law, Wu Xiaotian already knew the relationship between Gu Feier and his wife, even if he was a little younger, he could still be regarded as the little girl's father.

Walking up to Huo Sixuan, stretched out his hand, and greeted Huo Sixuan warmly: "Hello, Mr. Huo."

Huo Sixuan glanced at Wu Xiaotian, a person who had nothing to do with him, why did he come to Group H today?

Huo Sixuan extended his hand and greeted indifferently: "Director Wu, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Gu Fei'er blinked her big eyes. Just now, she thought that this person was a little boy who was kept by a goddess, but he turned out to be a great director.

"Are you a great director?" Gu Fei'er asked excitedly.

After all, she is a young actor who doesn't even count as an [-]-line actor, because she hasn't acted in a single film, and she is not an actor strictly speaking.

She always has a sense of awe for the director.

"Hmm, but it's not that big. In front of Mr. Huo, I can only be regarded as mediocre at best. HX is where famous directors and celebrities gather."

Huo Sixuan took a look at the modest Wu Xiaotian, and considered him acquainted.

At such an old age, he still acts as a little fresh meat to hook up with his little Fei'er.

"I don't know why director Wu is looking for Huo?" Huo Sixuan asked Gu Fei'er.

In fact, Wu Xiaotian should say that what he wants to ask the most is the specific situation of this little girl, but it seems that this Huo Sixuan is not easy to contact.

It seems to be very protective!

But it's not a bad thing!
Seeing Huo Sixuan's fierce look, Gu Fei'er tugged at him with her little hand, "Little uncle, Director Wu is my goddess' husband."

Hearing the little girl's explanation, Huo Sixuan's face became slightly warmer.

It turned out that it wasn't because of this man that he called himself down in such a hurry, but because of Xia Chenman?
He had always known that the goddess Xia Chenman admired the most in the little girl's heart. She obviously disdained going through the back door when she heard that Xia Chenman had appeared in "Rebirth of the 70s" and even asked him for a cameo role in order to get close to the goddess.

"I know." Huo Sixuan lowered his head and replied to the little girl in a low voice.

"Mr. Huo, I heard that your "Rebirth of the 70s" will be launched after the summer vacation. Wu would like to recommend himself. I know that HX does not lack directors like me. It is precisely because Xia Chenman is the heroine. I think I should be the most Those who know her well hope Mr. Huo will give Wu this opportunity to accompany his wife."

Gu Fei'er looked at Huo Sixuan expectantly, her small eyes seemed to say, "Little uncle, please agree!"You want to perfect the family and husband and wife. '

Huo Sixuan squeezed Gu Fei'er's little nose, and then said to Wu Xiaotian, "I will consider it."

"Thank you, Mr. Huo." Wu Xiaotian glanced at Gu Fei'er again, giving her a look of gratitude.

Gu Fei'er chuckled: "You're welcome." Seeing that Wu Xiaotian was about to leave, Gu Fei'er suddenly broke free into Huo Sixuan's arms and asked, "Director Wu, can you give me the goddess' phone number?"

Even if you don't see them often, it's good to look up the phone number.

"Okay." Opened the car, took two business cards from the car and said: "Little girl, this is mine, and this is your goddess Xia Chenman's, which is my wife's. We will keep in touch in the future. I will let Xiaoman Add your WeChat."

Gu Fei'er nodded excitedly and said, "This is my phone number." He took out a pen and paper from his bag and quickly wrote down his number and handed it to Wu Xiaotian.After finishing speaking, she explained carefully: "The phone number is my WeChat account, remember to ask the goddess to add me on WeChat when I go back."

(End of this chapter)

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