Chapter 494 Give Her a Lesson

Huo Sixuan said indifferently: "I feel that I can't meet people there, so I should transfer to the headquarters."

"I don't, if I get transferred here, can I still work normally?"

"Why not?"

"If you want to eat me like this every day, I will have to spend this summer vacation in bed every day?"

Huo Sixuan smiled, and said: "Little Fei'er, you have so much imagination, don't worry, I also have to work, I won't eat and clean Xiao Fei'er every day."

Gu Feier: '...'

Not every day, but occasionally.

The two discussed these boring questions, and Huo Sixuan walked out directly.

Zhang He walked in, handed over a document, and said respectfully: "Boss, the cooperation agreement with Meng's has been signed. They are responsible for the supply of raw materials, and they will provide us with two percentage points. We are responsible for creating our own independent brand. They will not Participate in sharing."

Huo Sixuan nodded, and asked lightly: "Whose property is the pink one, has the investigation been clear?"

Zhang He said politely: "Well, according to our investigation results, it's Mu Haitian's, but now it's Huo Tianyi's special assistant."

"That's right, so I can be sure that he did the drug administration last time." Huo Sixuan said lightly.

There was no doubt about Meng Chuqing at all.

Zhang He faltered about what to say, Huo Sixuan said sharply: "Boss, Miss Meng, I think you have to defend yourself here."

Huo Sixuan was startled, and immediately asked: "You doubt her?"

"Boss, Ms. Meng's feelings for you are definitely not just brother and sister. As outsiders, we think so. Please pay attention to Ms. Meng's movements."

Meng Chuqing has thoughts about him?

That's right, she was drugged that day, but she hugged him hard and said so many excessive words.

Even if Bai Ruoxi sent her abroad, he wouldn't be at ease, and he really didn't have any defenses against Meng Chuqing.

"Ok, I know."

Huo Sixuan thought about what happened that day, if Xiao Fei'er didn't follow him that day, if his concentration was not good enough.

He didn't dare to imagine how his little Fei'er would deal with herself and how he would deal with this relationship if he had a relationship with Meng Chuqing. Under the pressure of his grandma, he would definitely be asked to marry Meng Chuqing.

What about his little Faier?
Huo Sixuan thought about the cause and effect, and suddenly felt a little scared.

He clenched his fists tightly, even if he and Meng Chuqing had been siblings for so many years, if she dared to design him and Xiao Fei'er, he would not let her go.

"Teach her a lesson." Huo Sixuan said flatly. "The confusion of illegitimate life is a good topic. Send it with a clear photo, including her father's."

"Boss, this will affect Meng's shares, and will it affect our cooperation this time?"

Huo Sixuan knocked on the table calmly, and said: "We don't necessarily have to let her take the profit, we can directly contact the material suppliers in the United States, but for now, we can cooperate with Meng's first, and when something happens to them, It seems that adding insult to injury often makes a person's misfortune worse."

Huo Sixuan's voice was deep and cold, but at this moment it sounded like a death note from a ghost in hell, which made people shudder.

At this moment, Zhang He regretted telling Huo Sixuan the truth about this matter.

Don't offend anyone, don't offend his boss, it's terrible to kill people invisible.

When Zhang He walked out, Huo Sixuan was a little surprised that Huo Tianyi didn't take advantage of the opportunity to push him into an irreversible situation that day.

But Meng Chuqing really changed.

PS: It's time for the [-]th watch, little cuties hurry up and give Huo Huo and Mayfair all kinds of support! !See you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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