Chapter 496 Nourishing Men
"Maybe she thinks I'm a stumbling block between her and Qin Yingdi. The angles are different, and the problems I see are different, so I don't blame her."

Gu Fei'er curled her lips and said, "Xiao Xiao, I found that you are living in a very high realm now."

"Hehe! Mayfair, I was forced."

The two talked for a while and walked out directly.

Seeing Pei Muran walking down from the second floor, Xiao Xiao deliberately raised her voice and called out: "Film Emperor Qin, there are guests at home, let them go to the restaurant to have dinner together, I made a lot of delicious food today."

After speaking, he directly took Qin Mutian's big hand, stood on tiptoe and kissed Qin Mutian's handsome face, and said, "Film Emperor Qin, I made you your favorite steamed sea bass, it's very fresh, let's try it together."

Qin Mutian raised a smile on his lips and replied, "Okay."

After Xia Xiaoxiao finished her novel, she yelled loudly: "Fei'er, let's go and try my handicraft."

Pei Muran, who was slowly going down the stairs, clenched his fists tightly. This bitch was so intimate with Qin Mutian without any scruples.

Gu Fei'er looked at Pei Muran who was slowly going downstairs, and greeted warmly: "Hey, isn't this Pei Daxing? You are also visiting Qin Yingdi and Xia Xiaoxiao's house today?"

Pei Muran's face turned green with anger at Gu Fei'er's question.

This bitch is not a good bird either, he is the same as Xia Xiaoxiao.

"I've been living in Tian's house because of my health recently." Pei Muran said expectantly, and looked at Qin Mutian pitifully after speaking.

Gu Fei'er smiled and said: "You are not in good health, you can hire a private doctor, is it convenient to live here?"


"Little Fei'er, it's time to eat." After Huo Sixuan finished speaking, he directly pulled Gu Fei'er to the kitchen. "Let's say a few words, if we commit suicide again, we can't afford it." Huo Sixuan said with some mockery.

"Oh, I know."

The two sat opposite Qin Mutian and Xia Xiaoxiao, and Pei Muran sat on the side.

Suddenly I feel so redundant.

Huo Sixuan picked the thorns for Gu Feier, and then put the fish on Gu Feier's dinner plate.

Gu Fei'er smiled happily and said, "Thank you husband."

husband?Little Fei'er seemed to be so affectionate rarely.

"Eat more, fish is especially good for women." Huo Sixuan said lightly.

Xia Xiaoxiao here used her cute little claws to peel a prawn for Qin Mutian.

Handed it to Qin Mutian's mouth and said, "I made it specially for you, try it."

Qin Mutian looked at the little girl's oily little claws, opened his thin lips lightly, ate the big shrimp that Xiaoxiao handed over, and bit the little girl's slender white and tender claws by the way.

Pei Muran tasted every dish tastelessly, and said with disgust: "What's the taste, this one is spicy, that one is a bit salty, if you don't know how to cook, don't show off, spoil Tian's stomach, Tian often eats in the film crew, now my stomach It has been bad all the time, eating this half-baked gourd and lotus root slices is very harmful to his stomach."

"As for me, I am at this level. As long as Qin Yingdi doesn't dislike it, it means success. I cooked these meals for him alone." Xia Xiaoxiao asked Qin Mutian after finishing the novel, "Is it right? Qin Yingdi."

"Not bad, try harder next time."

Gu Fei'er saw a lot of goji berries in Xia Xiaoxiao's stewed short ribs, she smiled strangely, put her mouth in Huo Sixuan's ear and said, "Little uncle, eat more, I heard goji berries are good for aphrodisiac."

Although she spoke in a low voice, why did the voice leak out.

Xia Xiaoxiao blushed a little and said, "Qin Yingdi, you should also eat more to nourish men."

(End of this chapter)

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