I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 499 The Tears of the Proud Man

Chapter 499 The Tears of the Proud Man

Pei Muran's hair was disheveled, he hugged Qin Mutian hard, and kept crying.

Qin Mutian caressed Pei Muran gently, then slowly pushed her away, his thin lips parted slightly: "Muran, I can promise you any conditions, but this one is not acceptable."

"God, if you don't agree, just wait for me to collect the corpse!" Pei Muran pushed Qin Mutian away and slammed into the wall.

Qin Mutian grabbed her arm, and soon the family doctor came up and gave her a sedative.

Xia Xiaoxiao, who had been watching at the door, suddenly felt powerless in her heart. Can she and Qin Mutian still get together?

If Pei Muran really died like this because of her, can she and Qin Mutian be happy forever?She must be blaming herself.

After Pei Muran fell asleep, Xia Xiaoxiao walked in, took Qin Mutian's hand and said, "Film Emperor Qin, let's go out and talk."

The two went downstairs and came to a park near Minghan Residence. Although it was summer, the summer nights in City B were still cool.

The two found a small gazebo and sat on a stone bench.

This place belongs to Minghan Residence, and most of the people who live here are big bowl stars and directors, so Qin Mutian doesn't have to be afraid of being photographed.

"Film Emperor Qin, let's separate!" Xia Xiaoxiao said sourly.

Qin Mutian was obviously taken aback, his face darkened, and he said indifferently: "You don't have confidence in me?"

"No, it's because I don't have confidence in myself." Looking at Qin Mutian's handsome face, Xia Xiaoxiao was already flushed.

She also knew that his heart must be very bitter.

But early pain is better than late pain.

Pei Muran just stood between the two of them like this, she didn't want to embarrass him.

If Pei Muran really died, Qin Mutian's life would not be happy. There is a kind of love called letting go, which is fulfillment and freedom.

"In this case, I respect your choice." Qin Mutian rubbed his temples.

A man who has always been proud doesn't know how to stay.

Xia Xiaoxiao refrained from shedding the tears she was holding back.Taking a breath, he said with difficulty: "Movie King Qin, the time I met you was the happiest time in my life. I'm going back to Fenghuang Yaju today, take care of yourself."

After speaking, she stood up, rubbed her left hand with her right hand, and said with some embarrassment, "Movie Emperor Qin, let's take a selfie together!" After speaking, Xia Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone, adjusted the night light mode, and bent slightly Standing at the same angle as Qin Mutian who was sitting, I took a few photos.

Qin Mutian looked at the little girl's movements, obviously feeling very reluctant, but there was nothing he could do.

He pursed his lips tightly and did not speak, his heart was in severe dull pain. Ever since his mother left, his heart had been closed.

Ever since he met this cute and playful little girl, his heart opened to her unconsciously.

He has no intentions and is super funny, often making him unnaturally happy.

Qin Mutian stood up suddenly and hugged Xia Xiaoxiao into his arms, put his chin on her shoulder, and asked in a low voice: "Are you really willing to leave me?"

Xia Xiaoxiao finally shed tears, hugged Qin Mutian gently, and said helplessly: "Of course I don't want to, but I don't want to see you in such pain."

"Xiao Xiao, as long as I can be with you, I don't feel bitter. I will hire a good psychiatrist for Pei Muran tomorrow and treat her as soon as possible. I want to take back what I just said, okay?"

A few drops of warm liquid fell on Xia Xiaoxiao's shoulders. They were the tears of this proud man.

(End of this chapter)

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