I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 504 And my wife, don't worry

Chapter 504 And my wife, don't worry

"Husband, don't, it's so itchy, if you do this again, be careful I'm in the car"...

fucked you.

Xia Xiaoxiao was so excited that she was teased, her little face was as red as a tomato.

"Okay! I am willing to be fucked by you."

Xia Xiaoxiao: 'Is this still the male god I know? '

Xia Xiaoxiao curled her lips and laughed: "Dear Qin Da Yingdi, do you still have integrity?"

"With my own wife, don't worry about it." There was no expression on the deserted face, and he said it very calmly.

Looking at this deserted handsome face, Xia Xiaoxiao felt more and more at ease the more she looked at it.

"Honey, don't make trouble, I'm going, you go home obediently, don't pick me up, I'll go back by myself later."

After Xia Xiaoxiao finished kissing Qin Mutian's handsome face, she finally opened the car door reluctantly.

After watching Qin Mutian leave, he was willing to turn around.

At this time, Xia Rou walked over with her resolute arm, just in time to see Qin Mutian's limited luxury car leaving, and greeted Xia Xiaoxiao sourly: "Yo! Sister, the sun came out from the west today, why are you willing to go home?"

Xia Xiaoxiaobai glanced at him, and said with disdain: "This is my home, I can come back whenever I like, I want you to take care of it."

Xia Rou was suddenly irritated by Xia Xiaoxiao, turned her eyes to Xia Zhixuan's car and turned into the compound, and said in a low voice on purpose: "A daughter of a mistress is really uneducated and doesn't know good people."

Xia Xiaoxiao clenched her fists, angrily walked in front of Xia Rou, and slapped Xia Rou on the face with a 'slap'.

"Xiarou, I warn you, you..." You can insult me, but you can't even think about insulting my mother.

Before he finished speaking, he heard Xia Zhixuan scolding furiously: "Xia Xiaoxiao, you rebellious son."

After scolding, she dragged Xia Xiaoxiao into the main hall like picking up a chicken.

"Let me go, since this family doesn't welcome me, I'll leave and never come back." Xia Xiaoxiao cried while crying.

Yang Meiran, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, saw Xia Zhixuan dragging Xia Xiaoxiao angrily, rushed over in a hurry, hugged Xia Xiaoxiao, and asked with tears in her eyes, "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?" Wanchao Xia Zhixuan asked: "Old Xia, why do you treat Xiaoxiao like this?"

Before Xia Zhixuan could reply, Xia Rou walked in with a firm arm, and said coquettishly, "Why? Just my face."

Yang Meiran glanced at the finger prints on Xia Rou's face, and asked softly, "Xiao Xiao, tell mom why you hit her?"

Xia Xiaoxiao was afraid that directly speaking Xia Rou's insulting words to her mother would cause her more harm. She was originally a cowardly character, so Xia Xiaoxiao directly smashed her teeth and swallowed them in her stomach.

"I don't like her." After speaking, she went directly to the restaurant, found a seat, sat down, and started eating, regardless of the expressions of the rest of them.

Xia Zhixuan said angrily: "You are used to her character."

Yang Meiran didn't know what to say next, after all, her daughter beat Xia Rou.

Yang Meiran could only ask the housekeeper at home to bring Xiarou Boundary Ointment.

Seeing Xia Zhixuan go to the bedroom on the second floor to change clothes, Xia Rou whispered to Yang Meiran, "Do you know why your daughter dare not tell me the reason for beating me? Let me tell you, because I said, she is only a third child ,Uneducated."

(End of this chapter)

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