Chapter 508
"Xia Xiaoxiao, come here."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Xia Xiaoxiao into the door again, and before Xia Xiaoxiao could explain, Yang Meiran blamed her.

"Xiao Xiao, your mother doesn't object to your falling in love, but you two got married shortly after you met. This is too irresponsible. You child, how can you hide such a big matter from me and your father!"

Xia Xiaoxiao is like a child who has done something wrong, crying and crying, and started her own tricks.

"Mom, I like him. I just want to marry him. It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later. Anyway, I will never marry him for the rest of my life."

Yang Meiran looked at her daughter speechlessly, she was really worthless.

Yang Meiran sighed and said, "I'd like to check his character for you when I have time, don't tell him yet, do you understand?"

As soon as Xia Xiaoxiao heard her mother let go, she immediately wiped away her little tears, and said happily, "Thank you, Mom, for making it happen."

Then he suddenly thought of something, and said, "Mom, I am married to Qin Mutian in secret now, you know he is an actor, and there will be a lot of movies released recently, don't tell Dad and Xia Rou, I'm afraid that some rumors will be bad for him gossip."

"It's true that female college students don't want to stay. They turn their elbows out when they get married."

"Mom, don't you want your daughter to be happy?"

Yang Meiran looked at her daughter's pretty face and said: "Of course I hope my little one will be happy for the rest of his life, so I can rest assured that all these years have been wasted, and my mother's efforts have not been in vain."

Suddenly something was relieved, as long as my daughter was happy, the rest really didn't matter.

"Mom, I'm going out." Then he pulled his mother and said mysteriously: "Mom, if you have time some other day, you can go to our little nest to see. I don't want to bring Qin Mutian to Xia's house, okay?" Xia Xiaoxiao and Yang Meiran acted like a baby again.

The two walked out, Qin Mutian leaned on the luxury car, feeling a little worried.

Seeing the mother and daughter walking out happily chatting, Qin Mutian breathed a sigh of relief.

He walked up to the two of them and apologized: "Mom, Xiaoxiao and I got the certificate in such a hurry, it's because I didn't think carefully, please forgive me, although we got married in a hurry, we are serious."

Yang Meiran saw Qin Mutian's respectful face with the frankness of a man, but he was not so entangled anymore.

The problem she struggles with is that she is afraid that her daughter will be unhappy.

Seeing that her daughter is doing well, isn't that what she wants?What are you still struggling with.

"It's better to be like what you said." Yang Meiran deliberately put on a straight face and said seriously.

"Mom, don't worry, I will make your daughter happy."

Xia Xiaoxiao is stupid, hehe!The sound of my mother's cry is really slippery.

As if he was the real mother.

Xia Xiaoxiao was still in a daze, Qin Mutian pulled the little girl's little hand and said softly, "You still don't want to leave?"

"Oh, let's go." After speaking, he got into the co-pilot's seat.

After the two sat down, they started the car.

Xia Xiaoxiao asked suddenly: "Husband, didn't you say you won't make our relationship public?"

Qin Mutian was a little displeased, Leng Jun's face was slightly displeased, his thin lips parted slightly and he said, "You don't want mom to know?"

Xia Xiaoxiao shook her head and said, "That's not true. In fact, my mother still loves me very much. It doesn't matter if she knows, at least I feel at ease."

"That's it, then why is my dear wife bothered?"

"It's just a little sudden. They didn't react. Also, how do you know that I don't object to letting my mother know?" The little face leaned over and asked a little strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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