I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 512 The little girl is so beautiful

Chapter 512 The little girl is so beautiful

Gu Feier saw Xia Nuanxin on the opposite side, and greeted her happily: "Sister Nuanxin."

Xia Nuanxin broke free from Huo Tianyi's arm, and came over to greet Gu Fei'er.

"Fair, are you here to look at porcelain too?"

"Well, yes, are you too?"

"Yes, let's just refer to each other."

The two women straddled their arms, directly ignoring the two rich young men who stared behind them.

"Brother, is this a gift for your Lafayette?" Huo Tianyi greeted Huo Sixuan charmingly.

Huo Sixuan snorted coldly, did not reply directly, and followed Gu Fei'er into the Ming and Qing District.

Huo Tianyi felt ashamed, but didn't lose heart, and immediately followed in.

The waiter first saw two extremely beautiful girls, one was playful and beautiful, the other was tender and with very different styles, but both of them were the kind of women who looked more and more beautiful.

The key is that these two girls are surprisingly wearing white T-shirts and denim shorts.

They are all knee-length cropped jeans, so it's really strange to wear such long shorts in summer.

Both of them are plain!
Immediately afterwards, two tall and powerful men walked in.

The two are three points similar, roughly the same height and figure.

One is evil, one is lonely.

At first glance, they were brothers, but the two of them walked in angrily as if they had just finished fighting.

The waitress walked over and greeted them warmly: "Welcome, gentlemen."

"Bring the most expensive one here." Huo Tianyi said evilly.

Huo Sixuan glanced at him with disdain, and said lightly: "Bring your treasure of the store."

The waitress immediately became bitter.

Are they both talking about the same thing?

The waitress said flatteringly: "Two gentlemen, please look at the other ones. We need to ask the superiors to sell our treasures." The waitress can only use this hard way to divert the attention of the two. .

Huo Sixuan didn't speak, and went directly to the room, sat on the sofa, and locked Gu Fei'er's eyes tightly.

His little girl has a clever smile and beautiful eyes, so beautiful!

Then he casually glanced at Xia Nuanxin, with a rustic look, although it was considered tactful, but compared with his little girl, it was still too different.

Huo Tianyi walked in and sat on the sofa next to him, seeing Huo Sixuan's disgust when he looked at Xia Nuanxin.

Huo Tianyi didn't speak, and looked at Xia Nuanxin carefully. The little woman covered her mouth and snickered, as if she was talking about something happy with his woman. Although his heart was not beautiful, it was still considered My fair lady and a gentleman are good at it.

It belongs to the kind that looks more pleasing to the eye.

Unlike Gu Fei'er, who is full of coquettishness, she looks like a coquettish and cute girl, and only Huo Sixuan likes such a delicate woman.

At the beginning, I thought this woman had quite a personality, and I was really blind.

The waitress looked at the two men who didn't like each other sitting in a high style, not speaking, but kept staring at the two women who were picking porcelain on the opposite counter.

Although the waitress didn't know the relationship between them, she had a way of dealing with customers. She came over and said half-jokingly, "The two gentlemen also think that the two girls opposite are very beautiful!"

Huo Sixuan glanced at the waiter and said: "You have a good eye, but I think the one on the right looks good, and the one on the left looks a little dirt."

Huo Tianyi also glanced at the waiter and said: "I have a good eye, but I think the one on the right is a gentle lady, and the one on the left is too sweet, I can't bear it."


(End of this chapter)

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