I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 514 Can You Bring Your Family?

Chapter 514 Can You Bring Your Family?

"Okay, Sister Nuanxin doesn't know Ai Ai well, wait a minute, let me ask if she minds." Gu Fei'er covered the microphone and asked Xia Nuanxin: "Sister Nuanxin, Xiaoxiao would like to invite you You have dinner with me, and you want to call Ai Ai, do you mind?"

Just as Xia Nuanxin was about to refuse, she saw Huo Tianyi looking back at her with burning eyes.

Now when I go home, I will definitely let this pervert want her in different ways on the bed.

"I don't mind, it's good to know more friends." Xia Nuantian said with a provocative glance at Huo Tianyi.

"Great, I'm going back to Xia Xiaoxiao now." Gu Fei'er happily said to the microphone: "Xiaoxiao, everything is in order, Nuanxin sister would like to meet Ai Ai."

"Where are we going to eat?" Gu Fei'er asked excitedly.

Xia Xiaoxiao took a look at Qin Mutian's handsome face, her husband is also considered a great film star, she couldn't embarrass him, and suddenly said proudly: "Go to Haotian."

When Gu Feier heard Xia Xiaoxiao was so generous, she reminded her: "Xiaoxiao, are you sure we are going to Haotian? Let me tell you that the food there is not ordinary expensive. As long as you have this intention, even if you treat my sister to dinner I won’t dislike Lanzhou ramen either.”

Xia Xiaoxiao's low sigh suddenly came from the opposite side. "May'er, let's go to the public area of ​​Haotian, the consumption there is not too high."

Gu Fei'er smiled unscrupulously and said, "Xiao Xiao, that's all you can do."

Gu Fei'er hung up the small phone, then held Xia Nuanxin's hand and said, "Sister Nuanxin, let's go!"

The two walked out directly from the safe area.

Huo Tianyi also followed out carrying a large cardboard box wrapped in a vase.

Huo Sixuan also followed behind Gu Feier, carrying the small water bottle that Gu Feier bought for grandma.

The picture is a little weird.

Two tall men followed behind the two chatting and laughing little women, and the two men behind were obviously angry.

But they are all holding back.

The four of them walked out of the gate, Gu Fei'er walked up to Huo Sixuan, smiled flatteringly, and said, "Little uncle, you should go home first, I'm going to Haotian today to go with Xiaoxiao and Ai Ai Have a meal."

After finishing speaking, he said embarrassingly: "Go back to Huanshan Villa. There are servants and chefs there. Let them make you some delicious food. I will take a taxi home by myself in the evening."

Huo Sixuan didn't answer Gu Fei'er's words, but asked, "Can you bring your family?"

Gu Fei'er looked at Xia Nuanxin with some embarrassment and said: "Sister Nuanxin doesn't bring it with you, so you don't go, okay? Be obedient, you go back first, and I will go home as soon as I am full." Huo Sixuan said in his ear: "Good boy, little uncle, go home and make up for you."

Xia Nuanxin said to Huo Tianyi who was following closely behind her: "I'm going to meet friends today, so I'll just take a taxi by myself, you go back first!"

If you don't let this pervert follow, you won't even be able to eat well.

"Can you bring your family?" Huo Tianyi touched his nose, and asked a little embarrassedly.

"No, it affects appetite."

"Xia-nuan-xin." Huo Tianyi shouted sharply, which also made Gu Fei'er here tremble.

Little uncle, this brother has a really bad temper.

"Can't I pay for the treat?" Huo Tianyi said with some compromise

"I just eat a meal cleanly. I'm both a woman. It really affects my mood if you follow me." Xia Nuan said anxiously.

Beautiful through black big eyes, revealing helplessness.

I don't know what the hell this pervert is doing recently, he's too clingy

"Little Fei'er, get in the car." After speaking, Huo Sixuan pulled Gu Fei'er into the car.

Huo Sixuan glanced at the calm little girl, and said, "Why are you going out to eat with that Xia Nuanxin again? He is Huo Tianyi's woman, so he shouldn't be a good person." Huo Sixuan deduced decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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