Chapter 516
"Yeah, why do I think it's very suitable? This is called "Woman singing and husband following suit, understand?"

Gu Fei'er stared at the two of them with wide-eyed eyes. At first, she thought they were having an affair, but she didn't expect that they were already so close.

Isn't "Wuchang Fusui" a word used only between husband and wife?

Soon the elevator reached the floor of the public area.

The three went out together.

Just as Gu Fei'er stepped out, she fell into a warm embrace.

Huo Sixuan glared at Gu Fei'er angrily when he saw three people walking out together.

His little girl could only stay in one space with her, and she felt angry just thinking about being with others.

"Little uncle, isn't your private room on the top floor? Why have you come to the public area?"

Huo Sixuan replied gloomyly: "Can't Su Ruihao and I come to the public area to experience the people's conditions?"

"Hehe! Of course, let's go." Gu Fei'er took Huo Sixuan's big hand into the large hall of the public area.

There are many tables, and every seat is full.

Xia Nuanxin and Huo Tianyi walked in front, Gu Feier and Huo Sixuan followed.

As soon as they entered, Su Ruihao and Ji Mingyi walked over enthusiastically.

"Huo Huo, long time no see."

"Brother, sister-in-law, I miss you so much." Ji Ming rushed towards Gu Fei'er as soon as he finished speaking.

As soon as Huo Sixuan turned around, Ji Ming was emptied.

Ji Mingyi said with some taste: "Stingy." Then he immediately greeted Gu Fei'er with a smile: "Little sister-in-law, elder brother is also someone who has used foreign ink for several years, why is he still so reluctant to let go, I just want to be with you He is reluctant to even give him a polite hug."

Gu Fei'er glanced at the naive Ji Mingyi and said, "I'm not used to the etiquette abroad, it's too warm, I can't stand it."

Ji Mingyi: 'Okay!The husband sings and the wife follows. '

"I said Huo Huo, let's go to the top floor to eat, there are too many people here." Su Ruihao suggested.

Huo Sixuan glanced at Su Ruihao and said coldly: "Just eat here."

Su Ruihao: "Huo Huo, this is nothing to do? '

Several people walked to a corner table and sat down.

"Little uncle, I'm going to Xiaoxiao's side."

"Go, don't leave my sight."

Gu Fei'er was speechless, they were all in the same hall, separated by a table, how could she leave her little uncle's sight.

"Sure." After finishing speaking, ignoring the presence of other people, the small mouth stuck to Huo Sixuan's side face with a 'baji'.

Su Ruihao and Ji Mingyi's jealous halazi almost flowed out.

Several people were still talking, Qin Mutian also entered the hall with a big red face, and walked directly in front of the three people.

"God, why are you here?" Su Ruihao asked in surprise.

"Why can't I come? I'm hungry, can't I just want to eat?" Qin Mutian said coldly.

Just as they sat down, An Zichuan and Zhu Aiai walked in again.

"Ai Ai, walk slowly, you are still pregnant!"

"An Zichuan, we have already broken up, you don't have to follow me, don't worry! I won't kill the child, I am not so cruel, remember that even if this child is born, it will only belong to me, Zhu Aiai, and will never be yours , we're done." Zhu Aai said angrily, glancing at An Zichuan who was following behind her.

When Su Ruihao heard the conversation between the two, he gloated and let out a 'puchi' laugh.

"Zi Chuan, people are talking about this, you should come to our place for dinner!" Su Ruihao said jokingly.

(End of this chapter)

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