I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 518 1 The indelible tenderness is slowly growing

Chapter 518 An Unresolved Tenderness Is Slowly Breeding
Zhu Aiai also stared wide-eyed, and asked in surprise: "He is not the waiter here, but your husband?"

Xia Nuanxin stood up from the chair, came to Huo Tianyi's side, stepped on his arm, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I apologize to everyone for him."

"He's not a waiter, he's my husband." Xia Nuanxin said with a little embarrassment, her face flushed slightly.

Huo Tianyi didn't speak, and looked closely at Xia Nuanxin who kept apologizing.

He was really impulsive today, and let his little woman suffer such a big grievance.

Shame on her!
However, the little woman's rescue and acknowledgment of her identity made him feel an indelible tenderness slowly grow.

Gu Fei'er looked at Xia Nuanxin with an apologetic expression, then at Huo Tianyi with an angry expression, and asked a little puzzled: "Sister Nuanxin, why do you like him?" disgust tone.

Huo Sixuan who was standing behind almost laughed out loud, his little Fei'er was always so funny, and he didn't care about anyone's face.

Xia Nuanxin heard Gu Fei'er's question, and said a little helplessly: "I am also blind, what should I do?"

"Xia Nuan Xin." Huo Tianyi growled again.

Xia Xiaoxiao looked at a table of delicacies and shouted loudly: "Sister Nuanxin, you take your man away first, I'm almost starving to death, Ai Ai is still pregnant, let's eat first, okay?"

Qin Mutian glanced at the gluttonous Xia Xiaoxiao, and gave her the look of "You are very gluttonous".

Xia Xiaoxiao stuck out her tongue and made a grimace.

Xia Nuanxin pulled Huo Tianyi out of the hall and came to a no-man's land around the corner.

"Huo Tianyi, can you go to the private room upstairs for dinner? I'll call you after dinner, okay?"

"not good."

Huo Tianyi looked at the little woman who helped him out, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Even if she was dismissed as worthless by her, the phrase "he is my husband" really has a feeling of being loved.

There is always someone who cares about you in your most difficult time. It feels so happy to be cared about.

This life is this woman, and Huo Tianyi wants Xia Nuanxin to be a woman in this life.

Never fall in love with someone else again.

"I said Huo Tianyi, are you really mentally ill? Why don't you eat oil and salt! Why is it so difficult for me to have a meal with my friends?"

"Kiss me." After Huo Tianyi finished speaking, his handsome face turned to one side, and a faint blush appeared on the tips of his ears.

In order to avoid talking nonsense with him, Xia Nuanxin perfunctorily kissed Huo Tianyi's cheek, got up quickly, and ran into the main hall of the public area.

The heartbeat is a little irregular.

The pervert will tease her.

Seeing Xia Nuanxin running in, Gu Feier stood up and said, "Sister Nuanxin, sit down and eat something, the food is getting cold."

"I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting for so long." Xia Nuanxin said apologetically.

"It's okay, Miss Nuanxin." Xia Xiaoxiao also said.

Xia Nuanxin looked at Zhu Aiai with an apologetic expression.

"Ai Ai, I'll deal with him when I go home, I've made you feel wronged."

Zhu Aiai shook his head and said: "Actually, he didn't make much effort. I had blind eyes to treat such a handsome Huo Ershao as a waiter, and it really shouldn't be."

Several daughters talked and laughed happily, forgetting the unhappiness before.

"Ai Ai, eat more meat and give me a big white and fat nephew!"

Zhu Aiai's reaction period had just passed, her appetite was whetted, and she was about to catch a big crab when a pair of big hands with clear bones appeared in front of her and knocked off the crab in her hand.

"Ai Ai, eating crabs is easy to tire, don't be greedy, be obedient, after four months I will let you eat enough." An Zichuan coaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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