Chapter 521

"Thank you, with your good words, I hope it will be easy to get grandma's approval." Gu Fei'er said helplessly.

Fan Singzhe looked at Gu Feier frowning, seemed worried, and said, "Girl, let me tell you, I have met Mrs. Huo several times, and I am a real old naughty boy, you, you have a sweet mouth Point, praise the old lady more, if none of these methods work, there is a method, I guarantee it will work."

While grooming Gu Feier's hair, Fan Singzhe chatted with Gu Feier and explained to Gu Feier what he knew about the old lady's situation in detail.

Gu Fei'er suddenly felt that this sissy is quite manly today!

"What method?" Gu Fei'er asked earnestly.

"Hey! Girl, you are stupid, what do you think your Mrs. Huo lacks now?"

Gu Fei'er thought for a while and shook her head, but she really didn't know what grandma was missing.

money?No shortage, room?There is no shortage of villas.Career?No matter what, the Huo family's foundation has half of her, not to mention no shortage.

"I don't know." Gu Fei'er replied helplessly.

Fan Xinzhe looked at the confused Gu Fei'er and said, "Son! Your house is 28 years old, and the old lady is half buried in the ground. Of course she wants a little great-grandson to hug and play with."

"But I didn't. I've only been married to my little uncle for less than three months. How could it be so fast." Gu Fei'er said bitterly.

Fan Xinzhe looked at Gu Feier's wrinkled expression and said, "Just pretend!"

Gu Fei'er pursed her lips and said displeasedly: "It's the same damage as the little uncle's method. If I reveal the truth, it will be over." Grandma will hate me even more.

"Then you can work harder with Xuan in the next four months." Fan Xinzhe said jokingly.

It's still the same as the little uncle's method.

As expected, like attracts like.

How could such a calm and majestic male god like my little uncle be friends with this sissy? This time I finally found out, it turned out that they smelled the same, and they shared similar interests.

"No, your method is bad. If I haven't conceived in four months, then I will really reveal my secrets. What should I do?"

"Doesn't it mean that your Jiaxuan is incompetent?"

As soon as Fan Xinzhe spoke, Huo Sixuan, who had just stepped on one foot, listened to him.

"Fan Xinzhe, you are courting death."

Vercinzhe immediately raised a flattering smile: "Jack, why do you make no sound when you walk?"

Huo Sixuan did not answer Fan Xinzhe's words directly, but warned Fan Xinzhe coldly.

"If you dare to talk nonsense to me again, I will ruin your beautiful hands and make you unable to be a designer again."

Gu Fei'er murmured in a low voice with some fear: "Little uncle, don't be so fierce."

"Aren't I here to vent my anger on you because he doesn't like you? Little Fei'er, don't be afraid, I won't be mean to you." Facing Gu Fei'er, his tone suddenly softened.

Vercinzhe silenced, no longer speaking, being gentle with your woman, being so fierce with me, and treating her so differently, his heart is already broken.

Gu Fei'er wore a lady's sky blue long dress, which looked tactful and skillful. The light makeup made her beautiful little face even more charming.

Huo Sixuan looked at the little woman who was holding his arm, and couldn't help lowering his head to kiss Gu Fei'er's delicate mouth.

Gu Fei'er smiled slightly, and gently pushed away Huo Sixuan's handsome face with her little hand, and said, "Little uncle, don't kiss me, my lips are covered with lipstick."

"I don't dislike it."

"I know, it's just that I'm afraid my little uncle will spoil my makeup."

Huo Sixuan: '...'

(End of this chapter)

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