I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 527 Grandma, He Is My Husband

Chapter 527 Grandma, He Is My Husband
Just as Grandma Huo was about to take the blue and white porcelain bottle that Xia Nuanxin handed over, Huo Sixuan called directly: "Aunt Wang, put away the present that Miss Xia brought over."

Grandma Huo put away her hands in embarrassment again, and kept complaining in her heart: "Stinky boy, I really love to hold grudges." '

Even if you spoil your wife, you can't control the person I like!

How could Xia Nuanxin save my life!

Although I was pretending.

When Grandma Huo saw that Xia Nuanxin came in with Huo Tianyi, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

Grandma Huo pulled Xia Nuanxin aside, and asked in a low voice: "Girl, why are you here with him?"

This him, let alone Huo Tianyi.

Xia Nuanxin glanced at the angry Huo Tianyi, and didn't intend to lie, she said seriously: "Grandma, he is my husband."

"Are you married?" Grandma Huo asked excitedly.

The voice was a little loud, and Grandpa Huo and the Huo family also came over.

Xia Nuanxin nodded and said, "Well, a while ago."

Grandma Huo let go of Xia Nuanxin's little hand chillingly.

Huo Tianyi received Xia Nuanxin's acknowledgment, smiled charmingly, and said, "Honey, are you hungry?"

The big hand hooked directly into his arms.

Pulling Xia Nuanxin to Huo Daqing, he said, "Call me Grandpa."

Xia Nuanxin whispered, "Grandpa."

The girl's soft and greasy voice was very pleasant to Huo Daqing's ears.

"Are you married to Xiao Yi?"


"Alright, let's go to the dining table to eat!" Huo Daqing revealed a soft voice for the first time.

After speaking, he kept gesturing towards Huo Sixuan and Gu Fei'er.

Why are these two people so ignorant that they don't even know how to call him a grandfather.

"Grandma, my wife is hungry, let's go eat too!" Huo Sixuan suggested.

Grandma Huo felt uncomfortable seeing Xia Nuanxin and Huo Tianyi together.

I kept thinking in my heart, 'How could her grandson find such a good wife. '

Huo Xiong and Jia Yuhong were constantly busy in the kitchen, trying to minimize their presence.

Try not to obstruct the eyes of the old lady and the old man.

Jia Yuhong, who came out of the door, saw a beautiful woman beside her son, and hurriedly asked, "Xiao Yi, is this the person you like?"

"Your daughter-in-law."

Jia Yuhong looked at Xia Nuanxin carefully, she looked good, no wonder her son took it easy.

I don't seem to have heard any news about my son in Entertainment Weekly or on the radio recently, and it probably has something to do with this girl.

"What's your name?" Jia Yuhong asked politely.

Xia Nuanxin took a look at her mother-in-law, and couldn't tell how much she felt, like or dislike.

"Xia Nuanxin."

"Nice name." Huo Xiong said flatteringly, and then glanced at his son.

But Huo Tianyi didn't look at him from the beginning to the end.

Grandma Huo on the opposite side suddenly felt that his grandson and grandson-in-law had become a foil today, while Huo Tianyi and his wife on the opposite side had become today's protagonists.

After all, his Xuan'er is still a child without parents, and now Xuan'er has someone he likes, but they will never see him again.If they were still there, they would still be the ones asking about their health now!
"Xuan'er, you haven't said anything nice to me yet!" Grandma Huo suddenly broke the warm scene opposite.

Huo Sixuan smiled slightly, filled a glass of red wine for Grandma Huo, and said, "Grandma, have you ever heard a saying that what is important is not reasonable."

"Stinky boy, what's wrong with me? Not only do I want you, I also want your little wife to tell me!"

(End of this chapter)

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