I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 530 He Just Wanted To Give Her Something Better

Chapter 530 He Just Wanted To Give Her Something Better

Grandpa Huo looked at the two excited little girls, and suddenly felt that the two grandsons had finally done something that pleased him this time.

People who are not greedy for money are often more able to entrust important responsibilities.

"Both of you sit down to eat, I have made up my mind, you are not allowed to refuse."

Gu Fei'er glanced at Huo Sixuan, blushed and said, "Grandpa, I don't think you will be rewarded for nothing."

"You marry my grandson, that's merit."

Xia Nuanxin also felt that she was here to ask for a bride price!
Some Nuonuo said: "Grandpa, I actually don't know how to do business."

"Xiao Yi can help you."

Huo Xiong clenched his fists angrily, obviously he was the old man's son, but now he was only making some money through relief, and his status was not even as good as these two newcomers.

Jia Yuhong looked at the useless Huo Xiong, and really hated iron but steel.

The old man remembered all the romantic affairs he did!
Although Xiaoyi is a bit bohemian and suave, she never indulges in love.

And the body is absolutely clean, she is not a fool as a mother, how could she not understand her son.

His son is absolutely principled, that's why the old man turned a blind eye and directly cut off Huo Xiong's rights, making his son the CEO of the Huo Corporation.

Grandma Huo saw that there was a strange silence on the table, and Grandma Huo suddenly said: "Wang Ru, you also find a lawyer to draft an equity transfer letter for me. My 30.00% of the shares will be reserved for Xuan'er and 5.00%. [-]% for Mo'er, [-]% for Xuan'er and his wife, and the rest will be given to Xuan'er and his wife as a gift when they have a baby. That's it, I'm old too, and I'm ready to delegate power."

"Grandma, don't say such depressing words, you are actually a treasure that never grows old, and grows stronger!" Huo Simo hugged Grandma Huo's arm coquettishly.

"That's right! Grandma, I can't ask for such a heavy gift from you." Gu Fei'er said shyly.

Huo Sixuan didn't speak, just pursed his lips, as if he was thinking about how to ask grandma to take back this fate.

"Grandma, wait until Fei'er and I give birth to the baby!" Huo Sixuan didn't want the old man with a clear mind to lose his thoughts now.

After speaking, he kissed Gu Fei'er's little cheek and asked, "Isn't it? Little Fei'er."

Gu Fei'er blushed slightly and nodded.

In fact, getting the Huo family is not his ultimate goal. His ultimate goal is just to know what the cause of his parents' death was.

"Little uncle, what you said makes sense. Grandma should wait until we have a child before asking for your big gift!"

Huo Simo heard Gu Fei'er's address and said, "Sister-in-law, you still call me brother like that, grandma will find it strange!"

After Huo Simo teased Gu Fei'er, she acted coquettishly at Grandma Huo: "Grandma! She still wants to play for a few more years. I don't want to work in Huo's. I want grandma to help Mo'er take care of it, okay? Grandma."

The children's sensibility made Grandma Huo a little stunned, she nodded, taking back her words.

Huo Tianyi on the opposite side was nervous for a moment after hearing what Grandma Huo said.

If Huo Sixuan had agreed to Grandma Huo's request just now, he would be the largest shareholder of the Huo Corporation after himself.

Then he glanced at Xia Nuanxin again, if one day he was defeated by Huo Sixuan and squeezed out by him, would this woman leave him?

In fact, this is also my worst plan.

Hong Fan and several invisible companies under his banner are enough to make him and this stupid woman have no worries about food and clothing, but he just wants to give her something better.

(End of this chapter)

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