I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 842 So Many Rotten Peach Blossoms

Chapter 842 So Many Rotten Peach Blossoms
"Isn't it because you are not self-respecting that you have provoked so many rotten peach blossoms."

Huo Tianyi put his hands on Xia Nuanxin's shoulders, and said word by word: "Xia Nuan Xin, listen, I have always been clean, I am not so hungry, those women have no physical contact with me, There is only one woman who has ever had a negative distance with me."

Xia Nuan asked anxiously, "Who is it?" Of course, she ignored herself.

"Xia Nuanxin." Huo Tianyi lowered his head and kissed the little girl's delicate mouth.

"Hmm... Huo Tianyi, what you said is true?" Xia Nuanxin asked with her head tilted.

"Xin'er, you said that you are not stupid, why don't you know how my skills were when I recalled the night we were together!"

Xia Nuanxin thought for a while and said: "I only felt pain that night, and I begged you hard, but you never let me go, I have forgotten the rest."

"I'm sorry wife, just hit me." After Huo Tianyi finished speaking, he picked up the little girl and sat on the sofa.

Picking up her smooth black hair, she put it in her mouth, and said slowly: "Because I was investigating the relationship between Huo Sixuan and Gu Fei'er that day, I waited all night but didn't see anyone, and I felt a little irritable. Your father happened to call Come on, all my anger is reflected on you, so I'm a little rude. I didn't want to touch you at first, but seeing the relationship between you and your mother that spanned life and death made me jealous. At that time, I proposed to let You being my woman is also something I said on the spur of the moment, but I didn't expect you to agree for the sake of my mother."

Xia Nuanxin saw the man's serious explanation, and she didn't know what to say. Some people said that the prodigal son will not change his money when he returns. He is already married to him, and he has a baby, so forgive him once!

"But why did you decide to marry me?"

"I don't know, maybe it's just a moment of brain fever, and I lost myself for the rest of my life like this. I think Huo Tianyi is also suave and handsome. Looking at the whole city of B, I don't see many men who are stronger than me. Why do you say I was ruined in your hands!" Huo Tianyi teased Xia Nuanxin pretending to sigh.

"Huo Tianyi, can't you speak human words? Haven't I been dating for a lifetime? Although I am not beautiful and beautiful, I am also a human being, right? I admit that I am not good enough for you." , but you gave me the marriage yourself, I didn't force you." Xia Nuanxin put her small hand on Huo Tianyi's shoulder and said proudly.

"Is my Xin'er not good-looking? Whoever dares to say that she is not beautiful, I will be in a hurry with anyone. I think Xin'er is right for me, just to my liking, and I look very pleasing to the eye, more beautiful than the beauty of the country." Minute."

Xia Nuanxin was praised by the man so that her little face was always flushed with the blush of a little woman, so she changed the subject in a low voice: "Huo Tianyi, you see, I'm here to delay your work."

Huo Tianyi smiled knowingly: "There is never enough work to be done. I like to get bored with my wife."

"Yu Tiantian ran out in that state just now, why don't you chase after her?"

Huo Tianyi rubbed the space between his brows, and said: "Her life and death have nothing to do with me. There are some things that she needs to figure out by herself, and I can't help her."

Xia Nuanxin sticks out her tongue, a man who breaks love is really scary.

"Husband, mother-in-law's birthday on Friday night, do I need to prepare any presents?"

Huo Tianyi took a look at Xia Nuanxin's belly, touched it with his big hands, and felt that there was a little life there that was the crystallization of him and Xin'er, and his face showed the happiness of his father-to-be.

(End of this chapter)

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