Chapter 854
Gu Feier watched Xia Xiaoxiao get into the taxi and wandered aimlessly in the street when her cell phone rang suddenly. Seeing that it was Huo Sixuan, Gu Feier suddenly felt a little wronged. The guy who strikes up a conversation is too affectionate.

And the little uncle seemed to be very busy, so he didn't call her at noon, and she just felt a little uncomfortable.


"What's the matter, little Fei'er, what's wrong? I'll ask Uncle Zhang to pick you up."

"No, I just miss you." Gu Fei'er said with some grievances: "Little uncle, you can pick me up at night, I don't want Uncle Zhang to pick me up."

"Xiao Fei'er, listen to me, something happened to the branch in the United States. Ye Feitian, Zhang He and I will go over to deal with it immediately, and we will be back soon. Be good at home, don't run around, and let Uncle Zhang pick it up at night." You go back to Huanshan Villa."

Huo Sixuan walked towards the helicopter while making a phone call.

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back." Gu Fei'er's eyes were filled with tears. If possible, she didn't want to be separated from her little uncle for a moment.

Gu Fei'er hung up the phone, and walked quickly towards the school, and bumped into a hard object just as she took a step.

"Oh, it hurts so much."

Gu Fei'er couldn't help covering her forehead.

Then he stopped in his tracks, raised his head, and froze in place.

Lu Tianting's violent eyes were full of murderous intent, and he was looking at Gu Fei'er with warm eyes.

Gu Fei'er took a step back nervously, and then shouted nervously: "Brother Lu..., haven't I made it clear to you?" Gu Fei'er stammered nervously.

After so many years of absence, I always feel that something has changed, and Gu Fei'er can't explain why.

"Little sister Mayfair."

Lu Tianting called out in a low voice, and then walked towards Gu Fei'er step by step.

Gu Fei'er was so frightened that she stepped back step by step, looked back, and ran away, but when she looked up, she saw six or seven men wearing sunglasses and black pants waiting for her with their legs outstretched.

Gu Fei'er swallowed her saliva in fright, and raised her head to glance at a few tough men in black, how could she look like a black society.

Now that my little uncle has gone abroad, why is she so unlucky, she really has nowhere to ask for help, she is called every day, and the earth is not working.

"Brother Lu, what do you want to do? You know it is impossible for us to be together now. I already have someone I like. The promise between us is just a promise I made when I was sick. How can I take it seriously?" Gu Mayfair tried her best to explain: "I have suffered from depression. You know that the agreement between me and you was during the period of my illness. It doesn't count in the law. Why do you care about it?"

"You're in love with Huo Sixuan?" Lu Tianting slammed Gu Fei'er against the door of the luxury car.

Gu Fei'er leaned back in fright, and said firmly, "Yes, I just fell in love with him."

"Why him?"

"Because I made a marriage contract with him before I met you. When I met you, I was suffering from depression and forgot about him for a while. Now that my illness is cured, I should return to his side." Gu Feier insisted explanation of.

Lu Tianting stretched out his hand and pinched Gu Feier's chin with all his might, Gu Feier was in so much pain that tears flowed out.

"What about me? Is it your spare tire?"

Gu Fei'er shook her head with tears in her eyes, and said: "I said before, I made an appointment with him first, this is first come, first served, if I didn't get sick at that time, and I didn't forget him, how could I make an appointment with you." Gu Feier said sharply .

Lu Tianting's forbearance eyes are already scarlet, why is he always a spare tire in every competition, always a superfluous person, always a loser.

(End of this chapter)

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