I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 864 It's Difficult For A Girl To Fall In Love With Him

Chapter 864 It's Difficult For A Girl To Fall In Love With Him

"Well, even if you don't care about his family property, it is absolutely impossible to have no money in this society, right!" Yin Ruochen kept persuading Xu Xinyan to let her go to the hospital with him to have a look at Lu Tianting.

Mr. Lu has promised to take Miss Xinyan to the hospital to accompany him for dinner. If he can't invite him now, Mr. Lu doesn't know how to deal with him.

"Lu Tianting just suffered a little skin trauma, and he couldn't die. There's nothing to make a fuss about." Xu Xinyan was talking, her eyes still locked on the book on her lap, and she was not moved by Yin Ruochen's words.

Yin Ruochen really had no choice but to play the card of his own feelings.

"Miss Xinyan, what do you think of me?"

Xu Xinyan raised her hand calmly and said, "Much better than Lu Tianting."

Yin Ruochen was so happy that he was praised by Miss Xinyan.

what!So excited.

"However, it's a bit noisy today." Xu Xinyan added slowly.

Yin Ruochen: "I don't want to make noise anymore, if I had a way, I wouldn't beg you like that!" '

Xu Xinyan looked at the solemn Yin Ruochen, and estimated that if he didn't go today, he would definitely be attached to her.

It would be more efficient to take a look at the devil to see if he is dead, and then have a meal with him, and then come back to read a book in peace.

"Okay, I'll accompany you, but I'll only stay there for half an hour, and then come back to read." Xu Xinyan still didn't forget to bargain with Yin Ruochen before going out.

"Hey, Miss Xinyan, you are so kind. Even if you go, even if you leave just by looking at him, I'll be grateful for just a few minutes, let alone half an hour." Yin Ruochen said excitedly.

If you go, it's not your business.

That's your own business, Mr. Lu.

Yin Ruochen's abacus was crackling.

Yin Ruochen asked Xu Xinyan to carry a few lunch boxes, and drove directly to Lu Tianting's ward on the sixth floor.

Lu Tianting looked at the ceiling blankly, and when he heard the sound, he immediately sat up and looked towards the door.

I saw Yin Ruochen walking in alone carrying a lunch box.

Immediately yelled at Yin Ruochen angrily: "Get out, I said I'm not hungry."

Yin Ruochen held back his laughter, he is a proud person who can't even say soft words, he wants a girl to fall in love with him in this life.It's really difficult.

Except this handsome face deserves a second look, this little grumpy, alas!
"Miss Xinyan, come in!" Yin Ruochen called out the door.

Hearing Yin Ruochen's words, Lu Tianting's face suddenly became much warmer.

Xu Xinyan walked in and glanced at the man who was still smoldering with rage, and said unkindly: "I was injured, my temper is still so bad, and my voice is still so loud, I guess the injury is minor."

Lu Tianting stretched out his uninjured hand, grabbed Xu Xinyan at once, and said sharply: "Open the lunch box for me, and eat with me."

"Let go, you hurt me." Xu Xinyan pushed away Lu Tianting's big hand, and said angrily: "If you try so hard again, I will grab your injured place and make your wound open again. It hurts you to death."

Lu Tianting ignored Xu Xinyan's threat from pediatrics, and coldly ordered him to serve soup.

"Don't you have hands yourself?"

"The wound hurts and I can't use my strength."

Xu Xinyan: "Then why were you so strong when you grabbed my hand just now?" '

Open your eyes and talk nonsense.

Xu Xinyan filled a bowl of soup for Lu Tianting, then filled a bowl for herself, and then picked up her own bowl and drank.

Lu Tianting just watched Xu Xinyan drink the soup, but did not move himself.

"Hey me." Lu Tianting looked at a certain woman eating happily, and ordered coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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