I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 878 3 points are similar

Chapter 878
Huo Sixuan suddenly said coldly to the backs of the two of them: "If you want to go together, don't talk so much nonsense."

Hearing Huo Sixuan's words, Huo Tianyi who walked to the door of the car was obviously taken aback.

Without looking back, she got into her car with Xia Nuanxin.

Gu Fei'er and Huo Sixuan also got into Ye Feitian's car.

"Little uncle, thank you."

"Thank you for giving me face, thank you for being tolerant of the guy who hit me up, thank you for not being as knowledgeable as him, my husband is really generous."

"Don't brush me up, I'm not that good." Huo Sixuan knocked Gu Fei'er's little head that was tilted.

Several people arrived at a large traditional restaurant. The lobby manager looked at a group of several handsome men, all of whom were driving luxury cars worth millions or even tens of millions, and greeted them enthusiastically like receiving gods.

"Welcome all handsome men and beauties to our shop."

"Bring me the best from you, my elder brother is not short of money." Ji Mingyi said boldly.

Huo Sixuan glanced at Gu Fei'er in his arms, then glanced at Xia Nuanxin who was hugged by Huo Tianyi, and said to the hall manager: "All meals must be suitable for pregnant women."

"Okay, I'll serve you right away."

Huo Tianyi finally smiled when he heard Huo Sixuan's words.

"Brother, you are really a gentleman."

Huo Sixuan glanced at Huo Tianyi indifferently, and said, "I'm not for your woman, my woman is also pregnant."

Gu Fei'er snickered, the little uncle is also quite venomous, it must be what Huo Tianyi said just now, he still has hatred in mind.

Find this opportunity now and ask for it back immediately.

Several people entered the private room, since Huo Sixuan was the host, they must have sat in the innermost chief seat.

Huo Tianyi didn't dare to show weakness, and sat in the seat next to Huo Sixuan.

It's a status symbol.

Gu Feier and Xia Nuanxin followed their men and sat inside.

The others sat outside knowingly.

"Little sister-in-law, don't tell me, brother and Huo Tianyi are in the same frame, they really have a three-point similarity." Ji Mingyi really didn't like to mention which pot.

No wonder everyone bullied him.

"They are brothers in the first place, what's so strange about that!" Gu Fei'er said casually.

"That's right, it's not surprising that brothers look alike." Xia Nuanxin added in time.

Both Huo Sixuan and Huo Tianyi heard the meaning of his woman's words.

Almost in unison, the two asked, "Is he as handsome as me?"

Gu Fei'er: "Little uncle is so narcissistic." '

Xia Nuanxin: "This pervert has always been so narcissistic. '

"The elder brother is more handsome, with more heroism and masculinity." Ji Mingyi said flatteringly.

The corners of Huo Sixuan's mouth hooked slightly, showing satisfaction.

He even took a bite of celery for Gu Fei'er, and said calmly, "Little Fei'er, eating more vegetables is good for the baby's health."

Xia Xiaoxiao, who was sitting opposite, looked at the two of them carefully, and said uninterestedly: "Uncle Huo is good-looking, but the pair of peach blossom eyes of the guy who strikes up a conversation is still full of charm."

Huo Tianyi was praised so much, and deliberately said: "Young Master Qin, your woman has a lot of vision."

Qin Mutian flicked Xia Xiaoxiao's forehead, and said with a smile, "Speak up!"

"I'm just telling the truth." Xia Xiaoxiao said unconvinced.

Seeing Huo Sixuan's face darken, Gu Fei'er immediately said flatteringly: "Ha! I don't like men with peach blossom eyes. It's not good for a man to be too attractive. There are too many rotten peach blossoms. Little three, little four I can't stand that much."

(End of this chapter)

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