I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 890 You can only be mine

Chapter 890 You can only be mine
Xia Nuanxin, who was still sitting where she was, googled it. Sure enough, pregnant women are not suitable for drinking too much juice, especially watermelon juice that is too cold and prone to tire slippage.

"Don't praise him."

Xia Nuanxin straddled his arm, tilted her head and asked, "Honey, are you jealous?"

"Eat yours?"


"Xia Nuanxin, you look like you have a face but no face, and a figure but no figure. Are you worthy of my jealousy? Do you have the capital to make me jealous?"

After hearing Huo Tianyi's words, Xia Nuanxin burst into tears.

She herself couldn't help being hypocritical, maybe during this period of time, Huo Tianyi was so kind to her that she even forgot how she got married with him.

"Yes, I don't have the capital."

Xia Nuanxin got up and took a sip of the fruit orange, and without looking at Huo Tianyi, she ran towards the door.

Huo Tianyi suddenly felt that his words were a bit harsh, but when he heard her praise Huo Sixuan, he couldn't hold back his poisonous tongue.

His things, especially Xin'er, can only have him in his heart.

He is selfish when dealing with feelings, and he is especially selfish when dealing with Xia Nuanxin.

Because he has fallen in love with this arrogant and stubborn woman.

Huo Tianyi quickly chased after her, and wrapped his arms around her small waist. He just hugged her tightly, but he never said a word of apology.

"Huo Tianyi, let me go."

"Don't let it go!"

The two got into the car awkwardly, and Huo Tianyi started it quickly.

Xia Nuanxin leaned on the back of the co-pilot, keeping her eyes closed and not speaking.

My heart is already turbulent.

Some time ago, this pervert confessed to her that he loved her, but now he humiliated her like this.

The love of the wealthy and the young really comes and goes quickly.

I am pregnant, and I haven't been able to make out with him for a long time, maybe he already hates me!Is it true that the love among rich and powerful families must be maintained by the exam?

Tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

Huo Tianyi, who was driving the car, saw the little woman's sad expression, and felt a little pain in his heart.

But I still resisted the urge to coax her, maybe she has been too kind to her for a while, she actually praised Huo Sixuan several times in a row in front of her.

He admitted that he was jealous, and now he is still eating, feeling very sour!
Neither of them spoke, Xia Nuanxin shed tears silently, and the atmosphere in the car was very depressing.

When she got home, Xia Nuanxin had fallen asleep leaning on the back of the car, with tears still hanging from the corners of her eyes.

Huo Tianyi got out of the car and opened the co-pilot's door, hugged Xia Nuanxin out, and muttered softly: "Mindless stinky woman."

Xia Nuanxin was hugged and woke up.

He even countered: "I just have no heart, I'm ugly, and I have a bad temper. If you think it's bad, just throw me away!"

After Xia Nuanxin finished speaking by herself, she suddenly felt that the big hand holding her sank, and that she was about to fall to the ground. She was so frightened that she hugged Huo Tianyi's neck tightly, and pressed it tightly against the man's chest superior.

Huo Tianyi finally couldn't hold back, and let out a low laugh.

"Xin'er, I am reluctant to throw you away. If you are gone, I will have no wife and children. Even if I am ugly and have a bad temper, she is still my wife. She can warm the bed and give birth to children. I still make money, right? ?" Huo Tianyi's evil and handsome face had already moved to the corner of Xia Nuanxin's mouth.

Put Xia Nuanxin on the sofa in the hall, kiss someone's still angry mouth, and said slowly: "Xin'er, you are not allowed to praise any man in front of me in the future, I admit that what I said today is a bit heavy , you have to review yourself, you have praised him twice, but you have never praised me!" The man seemed quite aggrieved.

He buried his handsome face directly on Xia Nuanxin's chest, and said sullenly: "Xin'er, love is selfish, you can only be mine."

(End of this chapter)

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