I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 897 You Have Willful Capital

Chapter 897 You Have Willful Capital
Xia Nuanxin was guessed by someone, she was a little angry, her face was slightly red, and she asked, "How do you know?"

"Because I noticed that Xin'er didn't have the habit of taking a mobile phone when she went to the bathroom, so she must have wanted to contact me when she came to the bathroom with her mobile phone today." Huo Tianyi said firmly with his handsome face attached to Xia Nuanxin's neck.

"Huo Tianyi, narcissism is a disease, and it needs to be cured." Xia Nuanxin gently twisted the psoas muscle of someone who was holding her.

"Xin'er, I want to hear the truth."

Xia Nuanxin suddenly leaned close to the man's chest, and muttered in a low voice: "My heart is beating very fast, I should really want to know, ha! The fact is that I want to secretly send you a text message to tell you, and now I suddenly thank you for giving me This second."

"Why?" Huo Tianyi asked knowingly.

"Because I'm not a young bird, others won't target me in everything. I live an easy life. Huo's headquarters is really too competitive. It's really not a place for people to stay."

"If you dare to bully you, just tell me, and I will directly fire the person who bullied you." Huo Tian hugged Xia Nuanxin tightly, and assured her seriously.

Xia Nuan touched her toes and kissed Huo Tianyi's handsome face lightly. She warmed her heart and shook her head: "The Huo family is so big, you are the president, how can you be selfish for me? It will cause trouble for you, if you turn to me in everything, you will lose your prestige among the employees if things get serious."

Seeing such a considerate little woman, Huo Tianyi squeezed Xia Nuanxin into his arms again.

"Fool, you don't have to be so sensible, you have the capital of willfulness, even if I lose everything, don't I still have you? I don't care what others think of me, I only care about you."

Listening to the man's love words for a while.Xia Nuanxin felt a little embarrassed, pushed him with her small hand, and said hurriedly: "I have to go back to the office, it's been a while since I came out."

"Xin'er, I love you and want to be with you every day." Leading the slender hand of the little woman to his handsome face, "I have never been so attached to any woman before."

"Okay, I know you are wronged, you love me, even for me and the child, you have to be obedient, okay?" Xia Nuanxin gently persuaded the man.

"Well, you've been obediently!" An ambiguous and gentle voice sounded.

The two were still getting bored, when they heard footsteps and voices outside, Xia Nuanxin was so frightened that she stopped talking.

"Hey! Why is the bathroom suddenly broken? It was fine when I came here just now!"

"Yeah! Oh, I'm so annoying, I have to go so far to go to the bathroom."

"I was complained, but I can't see it says maintenance!"

"Large companies are really troublesome. You have to queue for everything, you have to queue for meals, you have to queue for elevators, you have to go to the bathroom, and it's broken. I hate it."

"What are you complaining about? Are you willing to let you leave Huo's and leave such a high salary?"


(End of this chapter)

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