I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 910 Xiaoxia, You Are Married

Chapter 910 Xiaoxia, You Are Married

"Well, I'll trust you for now, anyway, no matter how many women covet you, I won't divorce you. It didn't matter when I didn't have a baby before, but it's different now. I don't want my baby to be born without a father. "

Huo Tianyi was quite moved by the previous sentence, but the latter sentence made him sound so awkward.

"Xia Nuanxin, I love you and want to spend my whole life with you. It has nothing to do with the piece of meat in your belly. Even if you don't have children, I will still spend my whole life with you. Of course you are willing to have children for me. It is also because of your belly to give birth to my child that I like it."

"The child in my stomach is our treasure, not a piece of meat."

Huo Tianyi looked at the awkward little woman and smiled lowly: "Okay, it was my slip of the tongue."

"If you make such a low-level mistake again, I won't talk to you." Xia Nuanxin touched her lower abdomen, and threatened Huo Tianyi with gritted teeth.

Then he glanced into the pot again, and said bitterly: "Huo Tianyi, I'm still hungry. Look, the noodles are all lumpy and I can't eat them."

Huo Tianyi threw the noodles into the trash can, looked at the instant noodles in the refrigerator, and said, "As you wish, there are only instant noodles."

Xia Nuanxin blinked her big eyes, and said, "My husband will make me a bag, and I will only take a few mouthfuls. Don't worry, our baby must have a lot of vitality and will be fine. Besides, my husband's tadpoles are of such high quality, why not?" Could something happen?"

Huo Tianyi was praised very much, and quickly brought out the instant noodles.

"Well, Xin'er has said so, and I also think the quality of my tadpoles should be pretty good, and they should be able to resist these preservatives and food additives."

Xia Nuanxin ate and listened. When he heard the preservatives and food additives in Huo Tianyi's mouth, he took a few mouthfuls of instant noodles and dared not eat any more.

"Forget it, I'm full, I don't want to eat anymore."

Huo Tianyi looked at the little girl who was clearly not full yet tried her best to restrain herself, knowing how much she cared about this child, he walked out of the kitchen and brought over some fresh fruits.

"Xin'er, eat more fruit. Go to Hongfen tonight. There will be a lot of delicious food at the New Year's Eve dinner."

Xia Nuanxin took a few small tomatoes and ate a few, and then slept in Huo Tianyi's lounge for a while. When it was time for the afternoon shift, Huo Tianyi reluctantly let her go downstairs.

As soon as Xia Nuanxin was about to enter the office, she saw Lin Feiyang walking over.

"Xiao Xia, I didn't see you just now when I was packing up in the office, alas! I'm going to be transferred to the second department as the head, so I won't be able to work with you in the future."

Xia Nuanxin immediately said enthusiastically, "Congratulations to Minister Li for his promotion."

"Ha! Thank you, but I don't feel very happy." Because I can't see you every day.

"Why?" Xia Nuanxin asked casually.

Li Feiyang hesitated and said shyly, "Because I can't see you often."

Now that Xia Nuanxin finally understood what Huo Tianyi said, she really had to trust her man's intuition.

She is not a fool, how could she not understand the meaning of Lin Feiyang's words.

"Ha! Minister Lin, what do you think I am a married woman? Aren't there several single and beautiful little girls here in our design department? If it's not possible, girls from other departments are also fine. If you need my help, you must tell me. Oh, I will definitely help you get the strings."

Hearing Xia Nuanxin's words, a hint of disappointment flashed in Lin Feiyang's eyes, and he asked, "Xiao Xia, are you married?"

(End of this chapter)

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