Chapter 917
"Boss, if you were an actor, you would definitely be more popular than Qin Mutian." Yin Zhanyan looked up at her shy face, and kept praising Huo Tianyi.

"Yeah." The sexy voice made people unable to help being addicted.

The two exchanged in low voices, Yin Zhanyan was so indulging in the man's beauty that he almost forgot about it.

Everyone in the audience looked enviously at the woman named Yin Zhanyan on the dance floor, especially unmarried women.

Xia Nuanxin put her tableware on the dining shelf, looked at the men and women on the dance floor without blinking, and felt sour in her heart.

Mu Haitian looked at Xia Nuanxin's constantly changing expression, and knew that she was definitely not feeling well. No one would want their husband to be so close to other women.

As no one else noticed him, he came over to Xia Nuanxin in a low voice and said, "If you want to dance, little lady, I can be your dance partner."

Xia Nuanxin looked around, most of the people were staring at the men and women on the dance floor in front of them, and whispered back: "I can't dance." They didn't want to dance either.

"Okay, little lady, you can sneak out in a moment, and leave your car as the president."

Xia Nuanxin glanced around again, most people were still watching Huo Tianyi and Yin Zhanyan dancing, she was not in any mood, and left directly through the back door.

Turn on Huo Tianyi's co-pilot, sit on it and wait for him.

But my heart is still up and down, so I don't feel at ease.

After all, Huo Tianyi had a criminal record. Although that Yin Zhanyan wasn't very beautiful, but she was dressed so enchantingly today, it was obvious that she was here to catch someone.

The hall was still silent only the sound of the dance music, and the eyes of the people around were all on Huo Tianyi and Yin Zhanyan.

Yu Tiantian clenched her fists tightly, and glared at Yin Zhanyan's small figure without blinking her eyes. She wanted to send herself a word right now: "Bound yourself in a cocoon." '

At the end of the song, there was applause from below.

"Miss Yin, your dancing posture is beautiful." Huo Tianyi was not stingy with his praise.

Of course, in order to enter the upper-class society, she did not learn less about social etiquette in college.

"Thank you boss for the compliment. It's mainly because of your good leadership that I can play so well." Yin Zhanyan boasted shyly.

How she wished that time would go slower, she really wanted to dance with the big boss for a while, but she was afraid that after midnight she would change back to her original appearance.

She is not Cinderella, but she is dreaming Cinderella's dream. She is afraid of waking up, and she has such a beautiful dream in vain.

"Miss Yin, you don't want to go down yet, you want to dance with me again." Huo Tianyi looked at this nympho woman and asked teasingly.

"Ah! I'm sorry, boss." Yin Zhanyan, who was relieved, hurried off the stage and walked towards Yu Tiantian who was in the crowd.

Huo Tianyi narrowed his eyes and looked at Yin Zhanyan who was walking towards Yu Tiantian, shook his head and strode directly towards the parking lot by the back door.

He was still cold-hearted, even when he first met him, he was not fooled by his handsomeness and worth, and he was not taken seriously at all.

Even now, she seldom speaks weak words to him, because she keeps accommodating her.

However, the occasional love talk from the little woman has already made him so excited that he couldn't control it. It seems that he is really poisoned, and this poison is his heart.

Huo Tianyi opened the car door and saw that the little woman in the co-pilot was already drowsy.

Hearing the sound of someone getting into the car, Xia Nuanxin woke up, and asked displeasedly, "Did you finish dancing?"

"Well, the dance is over." Huo Tianyi looked at the little woman's sullen look, and asked, "Is Xin'er jealous when she sees me dancing with other women?"

(End of this chapter)

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