I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 925 Husband's Massage Worked

Chapter 925 Husband's Massage Worked

Seeing that her daughter and her husband are so loving, and also married to the idol she has dreamed of for many years, she is really relieved.

Even if I feel wronged a little, I don't feel bitter.

On the contrary, Xia Rou, Hou Jinzhi's daughter.The daughter of a mistress is destined to follow her mother, flirt with her everywhere, and end up being abandoned, she deserves it when she thinks about it!

"Mom, eat more, don't worry about that stubborn old man, why do you always treat him well, and he still yells at you like an uncle all day long, and you are not his nanny."

"But he has a bad stomach, and I don't know if the kitchen knows how to make him some stomach-nourishing soup."

"Don't worry, he's not a one-year-old or two-year-old kid, he won't die." Xia Xiaoxiao said to Yang Meiran angrily, "Mom, I think you owe him your whole life."

After listening to the chat between the two, Qin Mutian seemed to understand a little bit. It turned out that the mother-in-law and father-in-law were having an awkward relationship.

Xiaoxiao directly brought his mother out.

Just as Xia Xiaoxiao was about to eat, Qin Mutian took a casual glance and saw the marks of the beating on Xia Xiaoxiao's face.

Qin Mutian pulled Xia Xiaoxiao, put his big hand on her small face, and asked, "Who hit her?"

Xia Xiaoxiao touched her cheek, and said indifferently: "Talk back to your father-in-law, and he beat you."

Qin Mutian stood up distressedly, took the ointment and applied it on Xia Xiaoxiao, and complained like a woman: "It's incomprehensible to be so irritable at such an advanced age, and to even hit someone."

Seeing Qin Mutian carefully applying medicine to her daughter, Yang Meiran became more resentful.

"The older he gets, the worse his temper becomes. I think he has reached menopause." Yang Meiran said angrily, "Xiao Qin, thank you for being so kind to Xiao Xiao, so I can feel at ease."

Turned around and already shed tears.

Xia Zhixuan was the man she loved all her life. After begging for mercy for him for so many years, she was still kicked out in the end. Fortunately, she still has a daughter.

"Mom, it's really small here. I bought another villa in the Western Economic Development Zone. It's a small name. It's going to be renovated soon. I want to let go of the smell inside before moving in. It's only for a while. I can wrong my mother first."

"Thank you, Xiao Qin, I think this place is good enough, you don't have to worry about it."

"Mom, the family don't have to be so polite."

The three of them got along quite harmoniously, because they didn't invite any servants, and after eating their lunch, Qin Mutian urged Xia Xiaoxiao and Yang Meiran to go to rest, while he played the role of a good man and put on his apron to clean up the table.

Xia Xiaoxiao tidied up a bedroom for her mother to let her rest, while she secretly came down to watch her family Qin Dayingdi clean up in the kitchen.

"Film Emperor Qin, you are so down-to-earth." Xia Xiao hugged the big man in the apron from behind after finishing the novel.

"Honey, if you hug me again, I'll kill you on the spot!" Qin Mutian's mouth curled slightly, threatening someone calmly.

Xia Xiaoxiao let go of Qin Mutian, took the washed bowls in his hands, jumped on him, and said without integrity: "Honey, I like your threats the most."

Qin Mutian was so teased by the little girl that he could only untie the apron, and hugged her as soon as he lowered his head, and kissed her small mouth when he entered the bedroom.

The more they kissed, the more passionate they became, and soon they faced each other calmly. The man touched the smooth back of the little woman with one hand, and rested his other hand on her breasts.

"Little, it seems to have grown! Did my husband's massage help?"

"Do not say!"

"Okay, I won't say it, I'll just kiss it."

"Husband... um...you are amazing!" Soon the little woman's murmurs and groans came out.

(End of this chapter)

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