I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 929 Everyone needs to calm down now

Chapter 929 Everyone needs to calm down now

"That's because Qin Haimin and his wife came to our house to propose a marriage. I have seen their son several times. He looks good. I don't know his character. The key is that I looked at that young man and the one you like. What actor looks alike, thinking that if you agree, you will stop chasing those unrealistic star dreams."

So it turns out that Dad pays so much attention to himself?He even knows his favorite idol.

Xia Xiaoxiao is the reason why her father always forced her to marry Qin Mubai tomorrow.

"The movie king I like is Qin Haimin's eldest son, and he is the same mother as Qin Mubai. Of course, they look alike. You can't even tell, how stupid your eyes are!"

Of course my eyes are stupid enough.

The first time we met, I even recognized Qin Mutian as Qin Mubai, and even slapped him in the face.

Hit again the second time.

Xia Zhixuan heard that the daughter on the opposite side finally calmed down, and said, "You said that Qin Mubai had a good time with your classmate Gu Feier, and that he was a scumbag. I finally investigated it. Honestly, didn't I force you to marry him again?"

"Anyway, I just hate you, and my mother hates you too." Xia Xiaoxiao said resolutely.

Looking at the father and daughter who were on the phone, Yang Meiran couldn't help but answer Xia Xiaoxiao's phone.

"Old Xia!"

"Mei Ran, are you still angry with me?" Xia Zhixuan asked nervously.

"Well, no matter how angry you are, you can't hit the child. Tell yourself, Xiaoxiao is not doing well, how can you just hit her if you say you hit her? She is also in her twenties and already Not a child anymore."

"I know, I also know that I was wrong, I have already explained to the child just now, Xiao Xiao is not angry with me anymore, why are you still relentless." Xia Zhixuan said with some complaints.

"Old Xia, you still haven't realized your mistake. Does your male chauvinism have to be followed to the grave before giving up? It seems that I really have to meet the middle-aged rich man Xiao Xiao introduced to me. Make plans early, we all need to calm down now, don't keep in touch." Yang Meiran hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Mei Ran, Mei Ran." Xia Zhixuan called again a few times

When I called again, I found that the phone was turned off.

Xia Zhixuan was so angry that he just wanted to throw away the phone and covered his heart, as if feeling a little uncomfortable, he was the most angry now.

Yang Meiran here is not going anywhere, so to speak, but Xia Zhixuan is still worried.

After all, the husband and wife have been together for so many years, and it was just a moment of anger to say that they let go.

"Xiao Xiao, you said your father will be fine, but he has always had a bad stomach."

Xia Xiaoxiao said angrily: "You are used to his temper, every day is like going through menopause."

The two were still chatting when Qin Mutian walked in.

"Mom, if you feel bored, go out for a walk with Xiaoxiao. I will ask someone to find out more about the situation with my father-in-law in the past few days. I will tell you what I know every day." Qin Mutian said coldly in front of his mother-in-law. There was a hint of expression.

"Thank you, Xiao Qin."

The few people were very harmonious, although they were worried about Xia Zhixuan, but with Qin Mutian's promise, they all relaxed a lot.

"Husband, thank you."

Qin Mutian lowered his head and kissed the little woman, and said, "Small things are my business, we are husband and wife, no need to thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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