I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 932 Do You Love My Daughter

Chapter 932 Do You Love My Daughter

Hearing Qin Mutian's words, Yang Meiran stood up nervously, her face was pale, and she said incoherently: "Your father must have had a stomach problem again, right! It's all my fault, it's all my fault, why are you still angry with him? What should we do?" ?” Yang Meiran kept blaming herself.

"Mom, don't worry, we'll go to the hospital right away."

Then Huo Sixuan called Fu Han and found Xia Zhixuan the best gastroenterologist to receive Xia Zhixuan.

Several people were quickly admitted to the hospital.

Qin Mutian was a little anxious, so he only wore a mask, and helped Yang Meiran into the ward.

"Old Xia, are you okay?" Yang Meiran asked distressedly.

Xia Zhixuan opened his eyes, stretched out his big hand to hold Yang Meiran's hand, and said in a hoarse voice: "Meiran, you are finally here, so I know you won't really want me anymore."

"You also said, I just haven't been at home for a few days, how did you make yourself like this, Xia Zhixuan, you are so old, why don't you know how to take care of yourself?"

"You're not here, I have no appetite at home alone." Xia Zhixuan's pale face finally showed a gleam of light: "Honey, you go home, I misunderstood you and Xiaoxiao."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to the side, what a machismo and arrogant person, he has never said a soft word in his whole life, even if he made a mistake at the beginning, he has always denied that he had no relationship with that woman.

"I'll go back when you're better, but you can't ruin your body anymore. I have to tell you something, but you can't be angry."

"Don't be angry anymore. I'm old, and if I play my temper again, my wife and children will almost lose me." Xia Zhixuan asked weakly: "Is it about the little one?"

"Well, Xiaoxiao has a boyfriend." Yang Meiran still didn't dare to tell Xia Zhixuan about Xia Xiaoxiao's stolen certificate, so that he could have a process of accepting it in his heart.

"I should almost feel it, whose child?"

Yang Meiran glanced at Qin Mutian and Xia Xiaoxiao who were standing at the door.

"Qin Haimin's eldest son."

"Is that the unfavored actor?" Xia Zhixuan asked indiscriminately.

"Lao Xia, don't talk nonsense. I have gotten along with that child for a few days. Although he is a boy in the entertainment industry, he keeps himself clean and treats Xiao Xiao very well. I think it is good. We can't interfere with the child too much." Emotional life, so as not to make them miserable."

Yang Meiran tried her best to defend Qin Mutian, because she was afraid that Xia Zhixuan would not accept him.

"Well, I have a sense of proportion, you help me up now and let them in."

Yang Meiran supported Xia Zhixuan's free hand, let him lean on the head of the bed, and called in

Qin Mutian and Xia Xiaoxiao.

Gu Fei'er and Huo Sixuan also walked in.

"Hello, Uncle." Gu Fei'er greeted Xia Zhixuan warmly.

Xia Zhixuan nodded, and immediately saw Qin Mutian hugging his daughter.

"You are Qin Mutian?"

"Yes, Dad, I am your daughter Xia Xiaoxiao's husband, Qin Mutian."

After the introduction, Yang Meiran was dumbfounded. Why did this kid just talk about the two of them getting the certificate secretly? This time Lao Xia must be furious again.

Xia Zhixuan glanced at the nervous Yang Meiran, and asked blankly: "I won't pursue the matter of you secretly obtaining the certificate behind my back. I just want to ask you a question."

Qin Mutian resolutely said: "Please tell me."

"Do you love my daughter?"

(End of this chapter)

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