I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 938 Prying Open Her Former Manager's Mouth

Chapter 938 Prying Open Her Former Manager's Mouth

Gu Fei'er smiled slightly: "But I won't laugh at you. I was so excited when I saw the goddess for the first time, but it seems strange that you are chasing stars at such an old age."

Gu Tiansheng: "This little girl thinks that the reason I'm so excited is because I'm about to meet Xia Chenman. Do you think Xia Chenman is my idol?" '

"Hehe! Goddess Xia is a popular idol, suitable for all ages." Gu Tiansheng could only follow Gu Fei'er's embarrassing words.

"Of course, it doesn't matter whose mommy it is." Gu Fei'er said arrogantly.

Gu Tiansheng was taken aback, and immediately asked: "What are you talking about, Xia Chenman is your mommy?"

Gu Feier immediately shook her head anxiously: "No! No! Don't talk nonsense."

Seeing Gu Fei'er refusing and walking towards Haitian Villa nervously, Gu Tiansheng was even more sure that this Gu Fei'er was his daughter.

Gu Tiansheng did not follow him in, but called his special assistant Peter: "I will try my best to find out about Gu Fei'er's life experience, and also find out everything about Xia Chenman's life in that year." schedule."

"Okay, boss, but it's been so long, it may not be possible to find out."

"Stop talking nonsense, all I want is the result, to pry her ex-manager's mouth open."

After Gu Tiansheng finished speaking, he got into the car and left Haitian Villa.

This is his own daughter, yet she recognizes Wu Xiaotian as her father, and Xiaoman has concealed such a big secret, thinking about it makes him feel uncomfortable.

Although the two were only siblings back then, since the incident happened on Xiaoman's birthday, the two have become strangers. When they met, they clearly cared about each other, but they treated them as strangers.

Gu Fei'er entered Haitian Villa, quickly entered the gate, and ran directly into Xia Chenman's hall.

"Mommy, Dad."

Xia Chenman was studying health-preserving porridge in the kitchen, and Wu Xiaotian was sitting on the sofa and reading the script.

"Little Fei'er, you're here."

Gu Fei'er came over and grabbed Wu Xiaotian's big hand, and asked, "Father, where is my mommy?"

"In the kitchen."

Gu Feier hurriedly went to the kitchen: "Mum, I'm here, why are you still in the kitchen, don't you know to welcome your classmate Gu Feier?" Gu Feier complained coquettishly.

Xia Chenman washed his hands, walked over immediately, gave Gu Fei'er a hug, and apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't hear my baby Fei'er call my mommy."

"Don't even think about asking me to call you a few more words. Who told you not to listen carefully?"

Xia Chenman walked to the hall with Gu Fei'er on his arm, and asked, "My baby Fei'er is so anxious to find Mommy, is there something wrong?"

"It's okay, I just miss you and Dad."

Wu Xiaotian put down the script and asked with a smile: "Since you miss us, let's have lunch at home at noon!"

Gu Fei'er frowned and said, "Let's see and talk."

"Afraid Mr. Huo won't agree?" Wu Xiaotian asked with concern.

"Not anymore. The main reason is that my uncle is so busy with work, so when he eats with me, he can eat more."

Xia Chenman said a little jealously, "I'm so jealous of Mr. Huo."

"Don't be jealous of him, my father treats you very well." Gu Fei'er said coquettishly while hugging Xia Chenman's neck.

"That's different. Even if your father treats me well, I want to share some of your love for Mr. Huo with Mommy."

Seeing Xia Chenman's jealous look, Gu Fei'er said with a smile, "Okay, I have to accompany you and Dad to have dinner at noon today, so it's okay."

(End of this chapter)

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