I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 940 Both Girls Have Big Belly

Chapter 940 Both Girls Have Big Belly
Gu Fei'er had a full lunch at Haitian Villa at noon, but she was still worried about Huo Sixuan, so she went straight back to Group H, had some lunch with him, and then the two of them went to the lounge behind Huo Sixuan.

Because of the entertainment broadcast that she heard in the morning, Gu Fei'er was a little worried about Xia Xiaoxiao.

"Little uncle, I want to call Xiaoxiao, you are not allowed to talk, be good."

"Well, I won't talk." I just touch.

"Thank you, little uncle." Gu Fei'er also perfunctorily kissed Huo Sixuan's cheek.

Then he called Xia Xiaoxiao.

"Xiao Xiao, did you see the entertainment news in the morning? You've already made the headlines."

"I see, hey! Marrying someone at the actor level is really stressful."

"Ha! But isn't your dream to put the film king to sleep in this life? Hey! You can consider your dream come true, so let's bear with this little annoyance slowly."

"May'er, I feel how you have become less and less sympathetic, how disgusting!"

"Haha! I was wrong, little classmate."

Gu Fei'er changed the subject and asked, "Your Best Actor Qin isn't at home today to be bored with you?"

"If I'm at home, how can I have time to talk to you?"

"Xiao Xiao, you are also a guy who values ​​sex over friends."

Xia Xiaoxiao sighed and said, "Grandpa called him today and asked him to go back to the old house for dinner, but I am now in a hidden marriage with Qin Yingdi, so I didn't go home with him."

"Do you think there is something wrong with his family?" Gu Fei'er said worriedly: "After all, Qin Mubai and his mother are not cheap, and now Fan Youlian has two more pieces of meat in her stomach, although she is not married After all, others don't know that the child in her belly is not Qin Mubai's."

"Don't worry, Fei'er, if they dare to harm Best Actor Qin, I will directly send the video to Qin Mutian's father and grandfather. I will not let them hurt Best Actor Qin."

"Alright then, pay attention to your own safety, anyway, this Fan Youlian is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Qin family:

"Is everything here?" Grandpa Qin asked angrily.

"Father, don't worry, Mu Bai is still sorting out documents in the company, and he will be home in a while." Zhao Lihua tried her best to excuse her son.

"It's not for you to talk, you only know how to spoil him, look at what he has done now, I heard that he has made the stomachs of the two girls bigger, and now everyone in the company knows it, but now I still don’t know how to restrain myself.”

Qin Haimin saw the old man's urgency, and immediately said flatteringly, "Father, don't listen to other people's nonsense, this group of old urchins wish that Mu Bai is a prodigal."

"You're still protecting him. I'm not blind yet." Grandpa Qin stamped his crutch on the ground angrily.

Qin Mutian still kept silent, cold and deserted.

"Grandpa, don't be angry." Qin Mutian couldn't stand it anymore, and finally comforted him.

"You didn't worry about me, you said you were not careful yourself, the young master of the Qin family was photographed by the paparazzi, I watched the video, it must be that girl, right? Why didn't she come today, I miss her so much." Grandpa Qin finally softened his tone when he thought of Xia Xiaoxiao's funny and playful little face.

Zhao Lihua clenched her fists tightly, listening to the old man's tone, she seemed to be very familiar with this Qin Mutian's woman, could it be that they had met each other in private, after all, it was up to him to decide whose hands the Qin family would fall into in the end. Calculate.

(End of this chapter)

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