I became popular after marrying Mr. Ba's uncle

Chapter 942 You are very discerning

Chapter 942 You are very discerning

"Father, I will deal with Mu Bai's marriage as soon as possible. Zhao Lihua and I will go to Xia's house in the next few days to settle him down as soon as possible. Don't worry, Dad! Mu Bai will also be a good boy."

Grandpa Qin said coldly: "I hope it will be like what you said, if something happens to me again, I will not be polite."

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will serve the Qin family well and will not let you down."

Qin Mutian still had a blindly indifferent attitude.

It's just that Qin mubai's proposal to develop a relationship with Xia Rou makes him a little strange.

After eating his lunch, Grandpa Qin didn't ask the driver to take him off, but got into Qin Mutian's car by himself.

As soon as he got into the car, Grandpa Qin asked with a smile: "Tell me, where is that little girl of yours now?"

"It's my little home." Qin Mutian said while driving.

"Okay! Can I go to your house?" Grandpa Qin asked with a smile.

Qin Mutian: "Grandpa is going to see his little classmate?" '

"Are you going like this?" Qin Mutian asked expressionlessly.

"Little brat, I don't want to go like this. You still want me to give her a gift? Last time you took your little wife and didn't bring me a gift. You went to the old house empty-handed. I haven't said anything yet. "Grandpa Qin said angrily.

"Isn't my wife the best gift?"

"Okay, tell me, what do you need now?" The old man softened his tone when facing Qin Mutian alone.

Qin Mutian thought for a while, and said, "Eastern Economic Development Zone, I want to use it to invest in some real estate and build some mid-range communities. Now the development momentum of our city B tends to go there, but for the time being, people who buy houses there , most of them are working-class workers with low salaries, so high-end residential areas with high housing prices and large layouts are not particularly suitable. A few days ago, I invested in a few food stalls with a few friends and tried the water first. That’s right, that’s why I want to invest in a few mid-range communities. My money has been invested in my studio this summer, and I also invested in part of that vegetable field, and I just bought a villa, so I want to Grandpa put in some money, but we will get [-]-[-]% of the final share. Of course you don’t want to, I won’t force it, you know my salary is so high, money is not a problem for me.”

Qin Mutian talked so much with Grandpa Qin for the first time, but it was also paving the way for his own future.

After all, it is impossible for me to act for a lifetime.

"You have a good vision, kid. I've thought about it a long time ago, but I want to invest in a few supermarkets and a few small hotels. After all, there are more migrant workers there." Grandpa Qin said appreciatively.

"Since grandpa has this intention, I won't say more. The account number has not changed, so hurry up and send the money over, no thanks!"

"You kid, don't you just want to ask me for money? You explain so much to me, and you spare such a big circle."

Qin Mutian said blankly: "Wrong, act early, take advantage of the opportunity."

"I voted [-] million, is that enough?"

Qin Mutian still said indifferently: "You can do whatever you want, anyway, if you invest more, you will earn more."

"You kid has a big appetite."

"I want to build a one-stop package of middle and low-end real estate, supermarkets, hotels, and pregnancy and infants. What do you think?" Qin Mutian didn't directly dislike it, but the smart Grandpa Qin already understood the meaning of his words.

"I'll add another [-] million to you, but I have a request. I invest and you manage, but I will put in a right-hand man of mine. If you don't agree, then we don't have to talk about it." Grandpa Qin narrowed his eyes. A shrewd calculation.

His little old man is not in the business of losing money.

(End of this chapter)

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