Chapter 999
"This woman is indeed very vain. During this period of time, I have often seen her changing cars. They are all luxury cars worth millions or even tens of millions."

After hearing Yin Zhanyan's words, Fu Mingzhe became even angrier.

Isn't Xia Nuanxin not interested in these substances?She also said it herself before, no money, no car, as long as you find a job that suits you, and there is love between the two of you.

But why is she so willing to accept Huo Tianyi's car now?

"She has changed, and I don't even know her anymore." After Fu Mingzhe finished speaking, he drank another glass of red wine.

Yin Zhanyan's body was hot and hot, and he put his small hand on Fu Mingzhe's big hand, and said sweetly: "Zhe, don't wrong yourself like this. Look around, there are many good women waiting for you." For example Me, like Miss Tiantian.

Fu Mingzhe's other big hand was attached to the back of Yin Zhanyan's, looking at the flushed woman.

"That's right! I'm also planning to start over, but I still can't swallow my breath." Fu Mingzhe's big hand had already gently wrapped Yin Zhanyan's waist.

Yin Zhanyan was half lying in Fu Mingzhe's arms, and the heat in his heart had been suppressed to the extreme.

He said hoarsely: "Zhe, Xia Nuanxin and I are both in the design department. I will try to help you vent your anger."

"Yan, thank you, I never thought we hit it off."

Seeing this, Yu Tiantian immediately said with interest: "You two talk first, I still have some things to do, I want to go back immediately, and we will meet again another day."

As soon as Yu Tiantian walked out, Fu Mingzhe picked up Yin Zhanyan and carried her into the bedroom inside.

"No, I can't, Zhe, we just met, it's really not possible." Although Yin Zhanyan wanted him desperately, there was still a little resistance in his heart.

Fu Mingzhe whispered with a smirk: "Yan, so what if we just met, there is a saying called love at first sight, probably we are this kind, so don't reject me anymore, do you think your body has special feelings for me? "

"Hmm... Zhe..., my body is really strange, I seem to have special feelings for you." Yin Zhanyan said intermittently.

Fu Mingzhe glanced at the woman with closed eyes sarcastically, and said patiently: "Yan, I fell in love with you at first sight, well, it's a beautiful day, let's not waste it, I'll give it to you right away, so you can eat as much as you want."

Fu Mingzhe then tore Yin Zhanyan's clothes vigorously. Yin Zhanyan hugged the man's neck, pressed against his chest, arched his body, and waited for the man's favor.

The man broke in without emotion, and Yin Zhanran felt a little pain, the membrane seemed to be broken.

"Yan, so it's your first time, I'm really surprised." Fu Mingzhe said mockingly.

If I hadn't heard from that woman Yu Tiantian, I would really think that this woman is a young lady.

"Well, people always want to keep themselves as future husbands for the first time, but now I'm letting you try something new, villain!"

Thanks to the man's grace, Yin Zhanyan was finally resurrected from the dead, and acted coquettishly with Fu Mingzhe.

"I will be responsible for you, don't worry, I will treat you well in the future." Fu Mingzhe said solemnly.

"Well, I believe in you, and I will help you get justice."

After finishing speaking, the man pushed hard, and the woman screamed.

After the two finished their work, Fu Mingzhe saw Yin Zhanyan who was already asleep, got up and took his mobile phone.

Check out the video it took and it's very clear.

Then he came out and saw Yu Tiantian was waiting in the living room, reaching out to take the check she handed over and the newly bought high-end clothes for Yin Zhanyan.

"Our goals are very consistent. I want Huo Tianyi, and you want Xia Nuanxin. This money will help you spend with Yin Zhanyan for a while." Yu Tiantian said with a smile.

PS: Don't worry, everyone, this pair of bitch men and women will only get worse and worse. Xia Nuanxin and Huo Tianyi are inseparable.

(End of this chapter)

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