Chapter 1009
In the main hall, Fang Zhishu's begging for mercy was heard soon: "My lord, don't do this, take it easy, it hurts."

It's a pity that Yu Wenmo, who just got angry, completely ignored it and was only immersed in his own feelings.

In front of the inner palace gate outside Fengyang Palace, Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi greeted several court officials, then boarded the carriage of the Yanling Palace, and headed out of the palace all the way.

Inside the car, Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng and said.

"At the palace banquet tonight, Yu Wenmo's expression was not good. If the empress hadn't stopped him, I'm afraid he would have lost his temper on the spot. He might cause trouble for you next time, so be careful."

Chu Yunxi originally thought that their cooperative relationship with Yu Wenmo should be safe for a while, but now it seems that trouble will soon be found on their heads.

Yuwen's family members seem to have a virtue, and they cannot tolerate Yan Heng's existence.

Because of Yan Heng's strength, these officials in the Dongchen court were afraid, and few people dared to offend him.

This fell into the eyes of Yuwen's family, and they couldn't tolerate it.

So according to what she said, it is better to push Concubine Liang's child to the throne, so that she can be at ease for many years.

Thinking of Concubine Liang, Chu Yunxi wanted to go and see her. She turned to look at Yan Heng who was on the side of the carriage and said, "Let's go to Concubine Liang's palace to see her."

Yan Heng should be clear about the situation in the palace.

When Chu Yunxi opened his mouth, Yan Heng didn't object, and after a reply, he took Chu Yunxi and shot out of the carriage of Yanling Palace, all the way to the place where the Supreme Emperor lived in the palace.

As soon as they landed outside the palace where the Supreme Emperor was, they saw two or three people coming out from the dark.

The leader was Concubine Liang. When Concubine Liang saw Chu Yunxi, she happily raised her hand and called her.

"Yun Xi, I knew you would definitely come over."

It turned out that Concubine Liang had been waiting for her, Chu Yunxi nodded to Yan Heng, asking Yan Heng to help them watch, she and Concubine Liang said a few words and left.

With a wave of his hand, Yan Heng left with a few of his subordinates, and went to defend himself, preventing anyone from getting close to Concubine Liang and Chu Yunxi.

Here Concubine Liang led Chu Yunxi to a secluded place on the side.

Chu Yunxi looked at Concubine Liang's belly with concern: "You are really pregnant."

Concubine Liang nodded, with a happy look on her face: "Well, I'm pregnant for more than four months, but right now I haven't let anyone know about it."

Chu Yunxi nodded: "Well, don't say it for now, lest the new emperor get murderous and get rid of you and your child."

Chu Yunxi's words made Concubine Liang worried, and she subconsciously reached out to touch her stomach.

"He won't really attack me."

"If you know that you are pregnant with a child, you will definitely do it, but you just don't tell him, and we will talk about it later."

After finishing speaking, Chu Yunxi looked at Concubine Liang as if thinking of something, and said, "Does Yuwen Lingtian know?"

Concubine Liang nodded: "He knows, he is very happy."

Chu Yunxi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If this child is born as a little princess, it will be fine, but if it is a little prince, Yu Wenmo will not tolerate him, so you have to talk to Yuwen Lingtian and ask the imperial doctor to prove that you are pregnant." It's a little princess, this will keep you safe. As for the future, if you give birth to a little princess, let her grow up with you. If you give birth to a little prince, the prince and I will push him to the top, but remember, no Before overthrowing Yu Wenmo, he must be called a little princess."

"In addition, you have to ask Yuwen Lingtian to leave you an edict to prove that you are the little prince in the palace, so that it will be a matter of course for him to ascend to the throne in the future."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Concubine Liang nodded repeatedly: "I know what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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