The divine doctor and the veterinary concubine are super fierce

Chapter 1024 Gouging out a piece of meat without crying

Chapter 1024
Everyone in the palace is extremely conscious. Right now, the prince is injured and his legs are broken, and the old princess is too sad to be able to manage affairs. The princess has taken over everything in the palace.

Originally, everyone was very jealous of the princess, but now that the princess is in a bad mood, they dare not be careless.

Therefore, no one in the palace dared to cause trouble during this period of time, so Chu Yunxi managed the matter very smoothly.

It was night, and Nuo Da's palace was quiet.

On the other side of Xinran courtyard, the lights are bright.

In Yan Heng's room, voices could be faintly heard at this moment.

"Mother Concubine, please let Xi'er go, I am willing to give her the Heli Book and let her leave the Yanling Palace."

Yanheng's words made the old concubine cry again: "Heng'er, you used to love the concubine so much, and now you let her leave so well, what's more, I asked the concubine before, if she doesn't leave, she said that she will stay with her forever Yours, if there is another princess, our palace will have the backbone, so?"

Before the old concubine finished speaking, Yan Heng on the big bed said sharply: "Concubine mother, are you trying to force me to death?"

The old concubine was startled, and looked at the person on the bed with a pale face.

Yan Heng said with a heartbroken heart: "I have a broken leg, a useless person, how can I delay Xi'er, and I can't stand Xi'er looking at me, every time she looks at me, I want to die, you know Know?"

Yan Heng's words broke the old concubine's heart.

She knew how proud her son was, he wanted to give Chu Yunxi the best in the world.

But now he has become a disabled one, so he really can't be with the princess.

The princess is so outstanding, the son naturally feels uncomfortable seeing her.

The old princess cried heartbreakingly.

"Heng'er, can we stay calm, even if we lose our legs, we're still alive, right? Besides, as the chief general of the Yan family army, it's reasonable for you to have a broken leg. Look at you, you're still alive anyway."

Yan Heng said with great pain: "Mother Concubine, I would rather bury my loyal bones in Qingshan than break my leg and become a useless person."

Without saying a word, he raised his eyes to look at the old concubine and said, "Every time I see Xi'er, my heart feels like it's torn apart, concubine mother, please let Xi'er go back to Xianyu Peak, my son begs you. "

After he finished speaking, he shed two lines of clear tears.

The old concubine always knew what kind of temperament her son was, he was a person who would not shed tears even if he cut out a piece of flesh, but now he was crying because he wanted to let the concubine go, which showed that he was very sad, but Had to let the princess go.

The old concubine looked at Yan Heng and said with heartache: "But the concubine refuses to leave, and I have no way to let her go."

Yan Heng no longer looked at the old concubine, but turned her head and looked inward at the arm of the wall, a broken voice sounded every word.

"I think my concubine will have a way."

After he finished speaking, he refused to say a word, and the old princess looked at his back, her whole heart was broken.

Forget it, since her son is suffering so much, she will help him once.

"Heng'er, can you promise mother concubine that you will live a good life after Yun Xi leaves?"

"I promise my concubine."

Yan Heng's weak voice sounded, and the old concubine knew that since he agreed to her, nothing else would happen to her.

"My concubine will take care of this for you."

The next day, the old concubine took people to Xiangguo Temple to offer incense early in the morning. When she came back from Xiangguo Temple in the evening, her face was very ugly. As soon as she entered the gate of the palace, she ordered Qin Zhong, the steward of the palace, in a deep voice: "Go to the palace immediately. Tell Wangfei to come over and say that I want to see her."

(End of this chapter)

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