Chapter 1026 Sent Two Concubines
Chu Yunxi was very annoyed. Hearing Qingyan and Qingwu's words, she said impatiently: "Stop talking, I always think that mother and concubine are too weird. I said to stay last night, and she was quite touched. Well, I changed my mind immediately today, could it be that some master from Xiangguo Temple really said something?"

"Master, do you want to send someone into Xiangguo Temple to deal with that master?"

Chu Yunxi waved his hand: "It's better to have one more thing than one less thing right now. Let's wait. I want to wait until the prince calms down."

The two subordinates stopped talking, and the master and servant went back to Xiyuan to deal with the matter.

The next day, as soon as Chu Yunxi woke up, Caizhu led Hongshang and Bishang hurried in from the door.

All three of them looked annoyed, but when they looked at Chu Yunxi, they were a little cautious and dared not speak.

Chu Yunxi looked at them and said, "What's wrong?"

Caizhu said cautiously: "Miss, I just got some news, just?"

Caizhu stopped talking, and finally cried, Chu Yunxi looked puzzled: "Who is bullying you, crying in anger."

Caizhu said unhappily: "If they bully the servants, the servants will definitely not be so angry, but they bully the lady like this, the servants can't stand it, miss, let's leave Yanling Palace and go back to Xianyu Peak."

When Caizhu said this, Chu Yunxi knew that something bad must have happened.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

This time Chu Yunxi's face was very serious, Caizhu didn't dare to hide any more, and quickly said: "It's the old princess, the old princess sent two people to the Xinran courtyard early in the morning, and said that she had taken two concubines for the prince. , from now on, the concubine will serve the prince, the prince is an adult, it would be inconvenient to lose his leg."

Chu Yunxi's heart sank, and hostility emerged from his body.

She said coldly: "What did the prince say?"

Chu Yunxi looked at Caizhu with cold eyes, Caizhu said in a low voice: "I heard that the prince took over and agreed to have two concubines to serve him in the future, and take care of his daily life."


Chu Yunxi only felt that someone had slapped her hard across the face, and her heart was so cold that there was no warmth at all.

How could Yan Heng, how could he hurt her like this, even though she suspected that he did this to drive her out of Prince Yan's mansion.

But what he did did hurt her after all.

Chu Yunxi didn't move for a long time, her face was indescribably pale. In the room, Caizhu, Hongshang and Bishang were extremely worried.


Chu Yunxi's cold and gloomy voice seemed to come from hell, she said in a gloomy voice, "They are really deceiving people too much, Caizhu, go, call me the servants of Xiyuan immediately. "

"Yes, ma'am."

Caizhu didn't dare to delay, so she hurried out and summoned the people from Xiyuan.

Chu Yunxi had calmed down, and led the people out. She glanced at the dark crowd in Xi courtyard, and said sharply, "Come with me now."

The mighty group of people went straight to Xicang Pavilion.

On the other side of the Xicang Pavilion, servants have already rushed into the Xicang Pavilion to report to the old concubine.

"The old concubine is not well. The concubine brought a large group of people over aggressively."

The old concubine looked at Mother Jiang and said, "What is she trying to do?"

Mother Jiang said with a worried face: "The princess is not patient. If you do that, old princess, you are clearly slapping her in the face. I'm afraid she's trying to settle a score with you."

"Reckon? Does she still dare to lead someone to beat me?"

The old concubine was a little guilty when she said this. To be honest, she is really afraid of her daughter-in-law now.

(End of this chapter)

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