Chapter 1044 Going to the rescue

Yeluxie asked in surprise, Chu Yunxi calmed down and said, "Someone designed Yan Heng, and now Yan Heng is probably still trapped at Cangwu Peak, and then someone came out and pretended to be Yan Heng and entered the Yan Palace. The real purpose of this person is to drive me out of Prince Yan's mansion, so that he can get rid of me, and then get rid of Yan Heng."

"You have also seen it. If you hadn't arrived in time this time, I'm afraid I would really be killed."

At the end, Chu Yunxi's body was full of anger, and there was a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Yu Wenmo can't wait to get rid of me. The people who were dispatched before are all from Dulongfeng. This time, I will not let the people from Dulongfeng go. I must get rid of Dulongfeng first. Those evil obstacles, keeping these people will only bring us future troubles."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, thinking of Yan Heng's arrival, her heart suddenly became anxious.

"No, Yanheng is still trapped in Cangwu Peak, I must go to Cangwu Peak to rescue him."

Yeluxie stretched out his hands to hold her body and said, "Don't worry, you just got rid of the poison right now, and the reverse flow of blood caused internal injuries, and it won't recover in a short time."

"In this way, I will send someone to Cangwu Peak to investigate. After you rest for two days, I will accompany you to Cangwu Peak to rescue Yan Heng."

Chu Yunxi knew that there was no way for her to go out right now, she was so weak that she couldn't raise her strength at all.

However, Chu Yunxi agreed to Yeluxie's sending people to Cangwu Peak to investigate.

It's just that Chu Yunxi didn't hand over the blueprint that Weili had drawn for her. Although Yeluxie saved her twice in a row, she was very grateful to him, but Yeluxie's thoughts on her made her dare not rashly draw it. If he handed over the drawings, if he had bad intentions, Yan Heng would be in trouble.

Chu Yunxi looked at Yeluxie thoughtfully and said, "Then there will be Brother Lao."

"Okay, you just woke up, and your spirits are not very good yet, go to rest first, and wait for two days to talk about anything."

After Chu Yunxi responded, she lay down and rested again.

Two days later, Chu Yunxi's internal injuries had healed a lot, and her spirit had also recovered well, so she rushed to Cangwu Peak impatiently to save others.

This time Yeluxie did not stop her, and took some people with her to the border between Dongchen and Xixue.

In front of the mountain gate of Xianyu Peak, a group of people saw them off, and Caizhu took Chu Yunxi's hand and said, "Miss, I will stay in Xianyu Peak to help you take care of the medicinal materials from now on."

Caizhu felt that following Chu Yunxi would only drag her down, so she might as well stay at Xianyu Peak.

Chu Yunxi felt that she would be safe staying at Xianyu Peak, so she agreed.

"Okay, you can stay at Xianyu Peak, and take care of each other with Wan'er."

Wan'er responded immediately: "Cousin, I will take care of sister Caizhu, don't worry."

"Well, you two take care of each other."

In addition to Caizhu staying in Xianyu Peak, Jin Yuanbao also stayed in Xianyu Peak, because his Yuanli cultivation was a little low, and it was a drag.

Unspeakably sad, Jin Yuanbao vowed that he must become stronger, otherwise he would not be able to protect Xiao Zhaozhao.

After talking for a while, the group left Xianyu Peak and headed straight for Cangwu Peak.

On the way, the subordinates sent by Yeluxie rushed over to report: "My subordinates have investigated a certain place in Cangwu Peak, which seems to be a bit strange. After careful investigation, my subordinates suspect that a formation may be set up in that place."

As soon as Chu Yunxi heard this, he immediately said, "Take us there immediately."

She is quite proficient in formations, so if she rushed over, she should be able to see whether a large formation was really set up in that place to trap Yan Heng.

(End of this chapter)

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