Chapter 1062 Rumors
Fang Zhishu yawned. She was really tired after tossing until midnight last night.

As for dealing with Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi, she was really not that anxious.

Because there is no use in haste, so why bother.

Yu Wenmo sent three teams in a row to intercept King Lu and Princess Lu from different directions.

However, the three groups of people did not intercept them all the way, but there was a rumor among the people that the current emperor could not tolerate brothers, first drowned his younger brother in Qingxuan Lake, and then assassinated his elder brother with poisonous hands. The purpose of the Holy Majesty, so he took the whole family and fled to Nanyang City overnight.

The rumor spread more and more widely, and in the end not only the people outside, but everyone in Dongchen's capital knew about it.

Many people in the streets and alleys are talking about this matter, and there are endless discussions.

"Heaven, is it true or not, did the Holy Majesty murder King Lu secretly?"

"I'm afraid it might be true. I heard that King Lu just fell, and then became seriously ill and fell into a coma."

"Heaven, the Holy Majesty is really vicious. King Nalu is just an honest man, and he can't stand it."

"Don't say that King Lu is an honest man, you just say that the Seventh Prince in the palace was only seven years old, and the Holy Majesty actually murdered him and drowned the Seventh Prince in Qingxuan Lake."

"Oh my god, this is too poisonous. We have to be careful when such a person is in power."

For a while, everyone in the capital was on tenterhooks.

Just at this time, another news broke out in the capital. The two doctors who had previously treated King Lu were killed by the Holy Order.

It turned out that the news from the palace was that these two people used drugs indiscriminately when treating the concubine in the palace, which made the concubine's condition worse and was executed.

But someone burst out from behind. These two people had previously treated King Lu's illness.

In this way, it will not allow others to think too much.

Because of the deaths of the two doctors, people in the capital even more believed that the new emperor was bloodthirsty and cruel.

The whole capital is a little depressed.

In the palace, Yu Wenmo had received the report from his subordinates, and was so angry that he dropped several things, but the Supreme Emperor even sent someone to invite him over.

Yu Wenmo naturally knew that the Supreme Emperor asked him to come over at this time, so why?
How could he be scolded in the past, so he directly said that he was not free.

Chang Fu, the great eunuch next to the Supreme Emperor, said neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Majesty, the Supreme Emperor said that if the Holy Majesty can't pass, he will commit suicide, and then tell the world that you can't tolerate the Supreme Emperor, so you forced him to death."

If such a thing is reported at this time, it will be fatal.

In the future, the King of Xiangjun will definitely send his troops to the north, and the people are afraid that they will applaud.

Yu Wenmo didn't want to bear these bad reputations anymore, so he got up angrily and followed Chang Fu all the way into the place where the Supreme Emperor lived.

After a period of treatment, Taishang Huang Yuwen Lingtian was in better spirits. Although he couldn't do more activities, there was no serious problem with small-scale activities. At this moment, he sat on the bed and looked at Yuwenmo fiercely.

"It doesn't count that you killed your seventh brother, but you even attacked your fifth brother. Your fifth brother is so honest, what's bothering you, you can't tolerate him."

How could Yu Wenmo admit such a thing, he refused to admit such a thing.

"Father, what are you talking about, my son has never done such a thing, someone framed him."

As Yu Wenmo said, he put the crime on Yan Heng's head.

"Father, it's Yan Heng. Yan Heng took advantage of what Brother Wu Huang did. I have ordered someone to stop Brother Wu Huang. If he stops him, I will definitely bring their family back."

(End of this chapter)

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