Chapter 1068
Feng Ge nodded with red eyes, while Chu Yunxi and Yan Heng retreated.

The two of them went to see the people in Yan Pavilion again. Although the people in Yan Pavilion were also poisoned, they were not too serious.

Yeluxie had been extra careful before, so he didn't let them suffer too much.

It's just that they didn't expect that the peak master of Poison Dragon Peak would blow himself up and severely injure Yeluxie in the end. This was something that none of them thought of, so they let him get it.

In the palace, Fengyang Palace.

Queen Fang Zhishu was sleeping in the bedroom, but she didn't sleep soundly, she kept having nightmares, even dreamed that her father was being chased and killed, and dreamed that her father was standing in front of her bed, looking at him lovingly. He watched her say goodbye to her, saying that he could no longer protect her in the future, and told her to be careful. In addition, he left some available people in Dulongfeng to her.

Fang Zhishu saw her father getting farther and farther away, and she waved anxiously, "Daddy, don't go."

But the father's figure became farther and farther away until he could no longer see him.

Fang Zhishu burst into tears, and finally the crying alarmed the maid who was waiting outside the dormitory. The maid brought someone in and saw that Fang Zhishu seemed to be enchanted by a dream, crying and screaming.

The palace maid Tianxiang hurriedly called her: "Empress, wake up, empress, wake up."

Fang Zhishu woke up with a start, and when he opened his eyes, he felt cold sweat all over his body, as if his whole body had been washed by water, and his heart was so cold.

She stared blankly at Tianxiang, the court lady next to the bed, with her eyes wide open, unable to move for a long time.

Tian Xiang worriedly said: "Empress Empress, you must be sick, why don't I, Doctor Xuan, come and check for you."

Fang Zhishu woke up, shook his head, looked at Tianxiang and said, "What time is it?"

"Back to the moment when the empress was ugly."

Fang Zhishu nodded his head, turned over and sat up, only to feel his heart beating violently, and that dream.

She saw her father, who loved her the most, told her that she had to protect herself in the future, and he could no longer protect her.

The panic in Fang Zhishu's heart was getting bigger and bigger, and the anxiety was getting stronger and stronger. She buried her face in her hands, and her whole body was shaking non-stop.

No, no, Dad will be fine, and he will not leave her alone.

She is his favorite little princess. He never objected no matter what she wanted to do, even if she wanted to marry someone from the royal family, he did not object, and he would do everything in his power to help her.

But at this moment Fang Zhishu felt scared, Dad, don't worry about it, if something happens to you, I won't forgive myself.

In the bedroom, Tianxiang and other court ladies looked at each other, what happened to the empress?
Tianxiang and the others were thinking about it when they suddenly felt dizzy, and several people fell to the ground one after another.

Fang Zhishu was startled, looked up, and saw a figure flashing in from the window of the bedroom.

The person was dressed in black, with a black cloak on his head.

Fang Zhishu looked at the person who came, without saying a word, her body was shaking, the blood all over her body was cold, without a trace of heat.

The man in black on the opposite side slowly took off the black cloak on his head, revealing a pale and injured face. He just stared at her steadfastly, and it took a long time before he called out: "Miss, the peak master?"

Fang Zhishu suddenly screamed: "Shut up, Han Yu, shut up, believe it or not, I'll kill you."

Han Yu shut up as she said, looking at the thin person on the bed, feeling unspeakably distressed.

The miss knows, do you know that the peak master is dead?This is because father and daughter are connected, does she feel it?
(End of this chapter)

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