Chapter 1076 Am I a Mindless Person?
This is really not a good thing for Dong Chen.

But when everyone was talking lively, Lu Wang's family returned to Beijing.

Now the whole capital is in an uproar. Has King Lu's family returned to Beijing?Didn't it mean that King Lu's family fled to Nanyang?How did they come back?
"God, what's going on here? Didn't it mean that King Lu fled to Nanyang?"

"Could it be a mistake? King Lu just went to Nanyang to visit King Xiangjun."

Just when everyone was puzzled, the people from Prince Lu's mansion stood up and said, before the old injury of King Lu was not healed, Princess Lu invited Princess Yan to go to the mansion for treatment, and Princess Yan said that someone secretly poisoned King Lu, and King Lu The family was frightened, so they left the capital overnight and rushed to Nanyang City. Princess Yan kindly sent people to protect them all the way to Nanyang. As for the rumors along the way, they didn't say a word.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the capital murmured.

King Lu fell ill and invited Princess Yan to treat him. As a result, Princess Yan said that someone poisoned King Lu, so King Lu's family scared away. Princess Yan also sent someone to protect King Lu all the way to Nanyang City.

When did Princess Yan get along so well with King Lu's family? She even sent someone to escort them to Nanyang City.

In addition, King Lu said that they didn't say anything bad about the new emperor, so who spread the word that the new emperor couldn't tolerate brothers from the folks.

The people in the capital discussed and discussed, and finally the topic became stale.

"Does this mean that King Yan has the heart of disobedience, that's why he picked up King Lu's family and fled the capital in order to tarnish the reputation of the new emperor?"

"I think it's really possible. If King Yan doesn't take action, King Lu's means can't spread such a word, and it will almost spread throughout Dongchen Kingdom."

"Heaven, does Prince Yan really want to rebel, is this impossible?"

"Who knows?"

The entire capital was in an uproar, and the news was quickly sent to Yanwang Mansion.

When Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi heard the news, their faces were indescribably ugly, especially the matter of Lu Wang's family returning to Beijing, which was even more furious.

Although they took advantage of King Lu that day, they actually helped King Lu’s family, because they would never survive if they stayed in the capital. Well, they tried their best to send them to Nanyang, but the result was , their family actually went back to Nanyang City, it really made people angry.

Chu Yunxi looked at Yan Heng with a sneer and said, "No accident, this must be the idea of ​​Xiangjun Wang Yuwenye. If Yuwenye didn't speak up, Lu Wang's family would not return to Beijing."

King Lu didn't have a good impression of the new emperor. He believed in Xiangjun Wang Yuwenye, but unfortunately he was afraid that he believed in the wrong person.

Yeluxie on the side of the main hall looked at Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi and said, "The new emperor has made a move, you should think of a way."

Yan Heng snorted coldly: "Could it be that I, Yan Heng, are the kind of people who don't use their brains when doing things?"

As soon as Yan Heng finished speaking, outside the main hall, the housekeeper, Mu Xiu and others hurried over.

Mu Xiu took the lead and said, "My lord, the Minister of Dali Temple brought someone over to ask the princess to go to Dali Temple."

Chu Yunxi sneered: "This speed is fast enough, but why should I go to Dali Temple with them?"

Yanheng and Yeluxie stood up one after the other and walked out, Chu Yunxi followed behind them all the way to the gate of the palace.

Outside the gate of the Prince's Mansion, a lot of common people surrounded them. In the most central position, several people stood on high horses, looking at the gate of Prince Yan's Mansion with arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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