Chapter 1083 Loyal Maid
Chu Yunxi thought with a heavy heart, pity Princess Lu Zhao Minxin, if this woman is alive, she can be friends with her.

It's a pity that I missed it after all.

Just as Chu Yunxi was thinking, Mu Xiu rushed in from outside the door.

As soon as he came in, he said impatiently: "My lord, my concubine is not well, the whole house of Prince Lu will be slaughtered, and no one will be left behind."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Rong was the first to be unable to bear the stimulation, rolled his eyes and passed out.

The faces of Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi in the hall were indescribably gloomy.

Yu Wenmo was really insane. He killed King Lu, Princess Lu and even the unarmed servants of Manfu.

He's probably doing this to frame them up.

Now Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi are not in a hurry. With the words left by Princess Lu as evidence, they will have nothing to do. Instead, they can use the things left by Princess Lu to severely injure Yu Wenmo.

Chu Yunxi thought about it and looked at Bai Rong and the little princess who had passed out due to the stimulation.

Right now, she should find a way to send Bai Rong and the little princess away.

This can be regarded as fulfilling the heart of Princess Lu Zhao Minxin.

"Mu Xiu, you hand over the little princess to Qin Zhong, and ask him to find a safe family to send it to. If the family has no children and the family is rich, the most important thing is that they must be good people, although she can't do it anymore. As the princess, but at least let her live a safe life without lack of food and clothing, which is also her mother's wish."

As the steward of Prince Yan's Mansion, Qin Zhong often dealt with people of various religions and ranks, so it would be best to entrust this matter to him.

Mu Xiu responded and wanted to go over to hug the little princess, but the little princess was hugged tightly by Bai Rong.

Mu Xiu didn't know how to deal with it for a while, Chu Yunxi glanced at Bai Rong and said, "Send her to protect the little princess as well."

With Bai Rong around, the little princess must be happier.

But as soon as Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Bai Rong who was lying on the ground suddenly woke up. She opened her eyes and looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "No, this servant will not leave, and this servant is willing to stay and help Princess Yan."

There was a firm light in Bai Rong's eyes, Chu Yunxi looked at her expression, and knew that she wanted to die.

She wanted to do something for her princess before she died.

But Chu Yunxi couldn't bear to die another person.

Now only Bai Rong and the little princess are left in Lu Wang's mansion, there is no need to die.

"Bai Rong, the little princess needs someone to take care of her. You should take care of the little princess. The prince and I will take care of the affairs in Beijing."

But Bai Rong shook his head: "I believe that with the ability of the princess, I can definitely arrange the way out for the little princess, but my princess is still alone underground."

After Bai Rong finished speaking, she burst into tears, and finally she handed the little princess into Mu Xiu's hands.

"Princess, I have made up my mind, I beg your concubine to make it happen."

Chu Yunxi looked at her, then at the little princess, and nodded with a heavy heart.

This is a loyal servant, even if she ordered someone to forcefully send her away, she might not survive, so it would be better to let her do something, even if she died, she would probably be happy.

"Okay, you go down first."

Bai Rongduan kowtowed to Chu Yunxi upright, got up and walked out behind Qingyan.

Mu Xiu handed the little princess to Qin Zhong, and asked him to send someone out of the capital overnight, first to find a place to settle down, and then slowly find a safe house for the little princess.

Qin Zhong responded to this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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