Chapter 1094 The Phantom Drug
Yan Heng was thinking, when he went outside the study, the eunuch came in to report: "Your Majesty, several adults from the court have entered the palace."

"Oh, tell them to come in."

Yu Wenmo waved his hand, motioning for the eunuch to announce several adults to come in.

After the eunuch withdrew, he looked at Yan Heng and said: "I declare that they will come in and discuss it carefully. Is it possible to find a way to transfer the King of Xiangjun back to the capital and put the King of Xiangjun under his nose? It is better than letting him Stay in Nanyang City."

"My Dongchen Kingdom has never had a resident vassal. If the vassal becomes popular, it will be troublesome."

Just as Yu Wenmo was talking vigorously, a few adults from outside came in, and the next few people discussed whether Xiangjun Wang Yuwenye should go to Beijing or stay in the fief.

Yan Heng didn't say anything from the beginning to the end, he only thought about what Yu Wenmo was up to.

On the other side, just after Chu Yunxi slept for a while, the palace sent eunuchs to invite her into the palace, saying that the empress's health is not well, so she was invited into the palace.

Chu Yunxi thought of the former empress Shao Baozhu who had harmed her by announcing her to enter the palace, so she must be careful when entering the palace this time.

Right now, the relationship between them and Yu Wenmo is in dire straits. Yu Wenmo has become a vicious and insidious villain in the eyes of the world. He must wash away his reputation. The best way is to find someone to take over this infamy.

Yan Heng and her are the best candidates, and the queen, as Yu Wenmo's wife, will naturally help her.

So this time she entered the palace, she should be careful.

Chu Yunxi thought about asking Qing Yan, knowing that Yan Heng was invited into the palace by the Holy Majesty, it seems that there is indeed something waiting for her in the palace.

Chu Yunxi arranged for Long Yuan and two of his subordinates to follow her, and asked Ye Luxie to accompany her into the palace secretly.

Yeluxie was naturally happy. Xiao Yunxi's ability to call him meant that she really believed in him.

Yeluxie was indescribably happy, and led two or three of his subordinates to secretly protect Chu Yunxi.

Chu Yunxi arranged a group of people and followed the eunuch of Fengyang Palace into the palace.

In the palace, the empress was indeed ill, but when Chu Yunxi was treating the empress, he smelled the fruity fragrance from the maid who was next to the empress.

It is a kind of hallucinatory drug, after people inhale it, they will follow other people's orders unconsciously.

So does the queen want her to inhale the phantom drug without anyone noticing it?
Chu Yunxi secretly took the silver needle and stuck it into the acupuncture point on his body with a normal expression. In this way, the phantom medicine on the maid's body would not pose a threat to her.

The queen on the bed was completely exhausted, her face was pale, and cold sweat kept streaming down her face.

She looked at Chu Yunxi weakly and said: "I have been going to the toilet non-stop. At first, the doctor thought that I had taken something like croton by mistake, but I couldn't find it out after many checks, and the medicine couldn't stop it. Gongcai ordered someone to invite Princess Yan to come over."

Chu Yunxi checked Fang Zhishu carefully, and finally confirmed one thing. Fang Zhishu was not poisoned, nor did he suffer from any strange disease, but it looked like an allergy. diarrhea.

Chu Yunxi ordered the maid who was waiting on the empress: "Immediately go and write down the things the empress takes, and I will check to see what caused the empress to behave like this."

The palace maid Huai Qing responded and went to write something. On the bed, the queen Fang Zhishu squinted her eyes and looked at Chu Yunxi, and found that her eyes were clear, her expression was calm, and there was no sign of confusion at all.

So this woman has already seen through the fact that she ordered someone to use the phantom medicine, so she will be fine.

(End of this chapter)

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