Chapter 1096

Chu Yunxi sneered, but unfortunately she would not be fooled by this.

With one thought from Chu Yunxi, the hallucinogenic pills in her purse fell into her hands.

Chu Yunxi took a few steps to the bed and looked at the queen and shouted urgently: "Empress, come down quickly."

She screamed, her hands didn't stop moving, she took the opportunity to stuff the elixir into Huaiqing's purse, dare she bear it by herself.

After Chu Yunxi finished this, she took a few steps back to avoid it.

In the dormitory, a minister had already rushed to the Holy Majesty's side to support the Holy Majesty. The man panicked and shouted: "Quick, Doctor Xuan, come here, Doctor Xuan immediately."

A eunuch quickly said, "Princess Yan is here."

However, a minister shouted coldly with an angry face: "I told you to call someone, and call immediately."

These words mean that they don't believe in Princess Yan. It was obviously Princess Yan who came into the palace to save people earlier.

As a result, the Queen frantically stabbed the Holy One. Who knew if this was the work of Princess Yan.

In the bedroom, someone helped the saint to sit aside, and someone went to drag the queen, trying to make the queen calm down.

But the queen was yelling crazily. When people saw her like this, they knew that the queen was probably taking some kind of medicine.

In the bedroom, Yan Heng walked up to Chu Yunxi, and asked with concern, "Xi'er, are you okay?"

Chu Yunxi shook his head and said, "It's okay, don't worry."

The doctor came over quickly, some came forward to examine the queen, and some stepped forward to heal the saint.

Soon the doctor who examined the queen found out that the queen had been drugged with hallucinations, which was why she went so mad that she stabbed the holy sword.

The Holy Majesty fell into a coma because of being stabbed with a sword, and the doctor nervously treated the Queen.

In the dormitory, several ministers in the court immediately signaled that everyone in the dormitory was not allowed to move.

Fang Hongwen, Marquis of Guangyang, said in a deep voice: "The empress was poisoned by the magic drug earlier and stabbed the majesty's sword. This incident clearly shows that someone controlled the empress to murder the majesty, so no one who stayed in the palace just now is allowed to kill the majesty." If you move around, I will have someone inspect it immediately to see who has a reputation."

After Guangyang Hou finished speaking, he looked at Chu Yunxi who was standing on the side of the palace. His eyes clearly suspected that the reason why the queen was drugged was because of Chu Yunxi's hands and feet, because who in this palace would dare to treat the queen and The Holy Spirit started, not to mention that other people don't understand these things.

Yan Heng looked at Guangyanghou's expression, his face sank, and he sternly said: "Guangyanghou, where are you looking?"

Fang Hongwen, Marquis of Guangyang, turned his head to look at Yan Heng, and found that the evil spirit was looking at him sullenly.

Guangyang Hou shuddered, and quickly withdrew his gaze from staring at Chu Yunxi. He cupped his fists and looked at Yan Heng and said, "Prince Yan also saw it. The Queen was poisoned by the magic drug and stabbed the Holy Majesty. The Majesty has not yet woken up." Well, so the ministers and others naturally need to find out as soon as possible who tampered with the empress."

As soon as Guangyang Hou finished speaking, he immediately ordered the eunuchs in the palace: "Go to Xuan Dali Temple Minister and Minister of the Ministry of Punishment to come into the palace to investigate this matter."


The eunuch rushed out to summon Xing Haoyang, Minister of Dali Temple, and Yan Hanshan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment.

These two people came very quickly, and when they came in and found out what happened, their expressions were not very good-looking.

Why did King Yan and Princess Yan get involved in this matter again? They didn't have a good time when they confronted them before.

However, Guangyang Hou and others in the bedroom ordered them to immediately find out who gave the queen the magic drug, causing the queen's temperament to change drastically and hurt others.

It's okay to hurt others, but the one who hurt is the Holy One, this is unbearable.

Because this matter involved the Holy One, Xing Haoyang and Yan Hanshan did not dare to be careless.

(End of this chapter)

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