Chapter 111 Don't dare to climb high
Chu Yunxi was surprised. She thought that Yan Heng asked her to come here to warn her, but she didn't expect that he asked her to come here to make up for her.

But Chu Yunxi is not rare. To be honest, she hoped that Yan Heng would stand up and say something fair before, but Yan Heng didn't stand up, so she will not be rare after that.

"Go back to my lord, there is nothing wrong with me, my lord doesn't need to compensate me."

After Chu Yunxi finished speaking, Yan Heng's phoenix eyes narrowed sharply, and a sharp cold air was reflected. He gradually restrained his spirit, and a slight smile appeared on the corners of his lips.

This smile made his already beautiful facial features even more wild and handsome, and his eyes spread light like stars and moons.

Looking at him like this, Chu Yunxi had to admit that this man's appearance is indeed outstanding, and his excellence is rare in the world. So far, the only person she can think of to contend with is the national teacher Ye Ling up.

The beauty of the national teacher Yeling is different from his own. His beauty is sharp and domineering, but the beauty of the national teacher Yeling is very elegant, just like a banished fairy in the sky.

But Chu Yunxi knew that these two people were not easy to get along with, and they were all schemers.

So she didn't want to have too much entanglement with them.

Yan Heng, the old emperor, and Ye Ling, if there is a dispute between them, there is no need for her to involve herself.

Chu Yunxi was just thinking about it, when the man leaning on the soft couch suddenly asked, "Are you angry?"

His voice was deep and provocative, with a touch of wine-like charm, as if a hand had been touched in his heart.

Chu Yunxi was stunned, and quickly woke up and said, "No, my lord thought too much."

Yan Heng raised his eyebrows and said gently: "Tell me, what do you want, this is your chance."

Chu Yunxi looked at the man's appearance of wanting to make up for her, and suddenly had evil intentions. She slowly curled her lips and smiled slightly: "If I tell the prince that I want the position of princess in Yanling Palace, what does the prince think?" ?”

As soon as she finished speaking, the evil and lazy man's black pupils overflowed with sharp air-conditioning, and the temperature in the room dropped a little in an instant.

Chu Yunxi laughed directly and said: "My lord, don't be angry, I was just joking with my lord, I don't dare to claim the position of concubine in Yanling Palace."

Yan Heng's phoenix eyes narrowed, why did he hear a trace of sarcasm in this woman's words.

Thinking of this, Yan Heng's stern face became colder and colder, but Chu Yunxi had restrained his joking expression, and said seriously: "It is enough for the prince to promise me one condition, and I will ask him for it when I think about it."

"Okay," Yan Heng agreed, but thinking of what Chu Yunxi said earlier, he added another sentence: "Except for the position of princess."

Chu Yunxi sneered in his heart, did he think she was indifferent to the position of princess in Yanling Palace?It's funny.

But even though he thought so in his heart, his expression was normal, because if he showed it, this man would definitely become angry, and he would be the one who suffered in the end.

"Yes, my lord, I remember, then I will go back."

"Go back," Yan Heng waved, and Chu Yunxi backed out. Behind him, Yan Heng stared at Chu Yunxi's back with faint eyes. When facing him, that gentle smile.

He could feel that Chu Yunxi's smile was from the heart at that time, but since she knew that he was the prince, this woman was extraordinarily polite to him, and the expression on her face became more false, and she no longer had the old smile. Really smile.

(End of this chapter)

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