Chapter 1122 Take Down the Demon Girl

As soon as Fang Zhishu appeared, the people in the audience were stunned, and soon someone recognized her.

The prostitute of the Guangyang Marquis Mansion is recognized by many women in Beijing.

"God, isn't this the prostitute of Guangyang Marquis Mansion?"

"No, it's the empress."

"But why are there two empresses?"

"Yeah, what's going on here?"

At this time, Empress Xie Lingyu knew that Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi had their own wishful thinking, so she preemptively shouted: "Bold thief, dare to pretend to be my palace, come here, take her down for me."

Yu Wenmo followed up and said: "Yes, this woman was imprisoned and interrogated heavily. Why did she pretend to be a queen?"

At the queen's order, several figures rushed over, wanting to arrest him.

It's a pity that Yan Heng's body moved to protect Fang Zhishu, and then he raised his hand and swung out the brutal Yuanli, knocking the guard who was shooting towards him flying away.

Almost at the same time, Chu Yunxi's figure moved, and Chu Yunxi rushed towards Xie Lingyu.

Although Xie Lingyu is the daughter of the master of Poison Dragon Peak, her Yuanli cultivation is not particularly high, and she is good at making poison.

So when she confronted Chu Yunxi, she was only suppressed and couldn't move.

Xie Lingyu opened her big eyes, glared at Chu Yunxi ferociously and said, "What are you doing, let me go, I order you to let me go immediately."

Chu Yunxi sneered: "Xie Lingyu, do you really think you can hide the truth?"

Without saying a word, she took out a bottle of potion and poured it on Xie Lingyu's face. Xie Lingyu himself looked somewhat similar to Fang Zhishu, but he could still tell the difference when he looked closely, so Xie Lingyu performed a simple disguise.

At this time, as soon as Chu Yunxi's potion was applied to her face, it quickly melted away the disguise on her face.

Chu Yunxi took out a handkerchief and wiped Xie Lingyu's face, and finally pulled her to the edge of the execution stage, and looked at the people below the stage: "Did you see that? This woman is not the empress at all, she is Dulongfeng Xie Lingyu, the peak master's daughter, captured the real empress empress with ulterior motives, and entered the palace instead of empress empress herself, and became her empress."

"All the things in the capital were done by her, because she wanted to seize the throne of the Yuwen family and sit on the throne of the empress."

After hearing Chu Yunxi's words, Xie Lingyu's face became hideous. She gritted her teeth and looked at Chu Yunxi and said, "I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you."

Chu Yunxi smiled coldly and said, "You should worry about yourself first."

Chu Yunxi withdrew his hand abruptly, and let go of Xie Lingyu.

At this time, all the people on and off the supervisory stage were boiling, not only the common people, but also the ministers in the court did not accept this account.

"What, the queen is actually Xie Lingyu, the daughter of the peak master of Dulong Peak."

"How did this happen? How can such a woman deserve to be my queen in Dongchen."

"Yes, let someone take her down immediately."

A minister of the court quickly came out and said: "Your Majesty, please issue an order to take down the demon girl and put her in a prison for retrial."

After one person finished speaking, the others also came out and knelt down: "Please make an order from the Holy Spirit to order Dali Temple to take down this demon girl. She is not worthy to be my queen of Dongchen."

Yu Wenmo's mind was buzzing at this moment, he just felt that he was in a mess, he didn't expect Xie Lingyu's identity to be exposed at this time, and he was still under the eyes of everyone.

How should he make things right now, now he finally knows why Yan Heng and Chu Yunxi invited them over, just to expose Xie Lingyu's identity on the spot.

How could he be so stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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